[Gradebook] Separate Gradebook by Sections Easier

Problem statement:

Please go back to the old way of allowing cross-listed classes to be viewed separately in the gradebook. When I first started using Canvas (during COVID), I could cross-list my classes and there would be a dropdown menu to simply toggle between all of the sections in the gradebook. Last year (2022-2023), the default view in gradebook was changed to show EVERY student in ALL sections in one long list, but I could go to "settings" and then "feature options" and toggle something which reset my gradebook to the old version with the easy dropdown menu to switch the gradebook by sections. Now, it seems I have to "apply filter," then click "sections," and finally choose the section I want to look at. And then, I have to do this same process for every section. Also, this is the solution I was given by Canvas tech support. If there is an easier solution, I would appreciate an email back letting me know what that is. Thank you!

Proposed solution:

Can you please make this easier? Or just go back to the way it was in 2021 when all the sections were just listed already on the gradebook page and I just had to toggle between sections? Realistically, I doubt any middle school or high school teacher wants one list of over 220 students they need to sort through to enter grades. Even though there is a way to get to each section, it's cumbersome and time-consuming to go through the steps I outlined above to switch between 6 sections. Thank you for your consideration!

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Added to Theme

Community Member
Problem statement:

The old way of switching from section to section in the gradebook was MUCH easier than what we have now. I like the idea of the newly added filters but that one is better the way it was. I have to pick a section to look at then I have to remove that section, let the page load with ALL of my students, then pick another section. The old way with it in the top right hand section was so much better.

Proposed solution:

Put the section choice back the way it was.

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Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Bring back the old grade book interface! 100% of the teachers in my building really dislike the new surprise. We were all shocked. Very clunky to use the filter feature to move between classes, which we have to do ALL THE TIME. This new thing makes it so tedious. We really preferred the simple drop down menu. If you insist on the new changes, can't we just have both? As far as participating in testing phases--busy teachers do not have time for that or their administrators don't tell them about it. This was a complete and nasty surprise. Our jobs are difficult enough--please don't make them more difficult. Clear is kind, simple is preferable.

Proposed solution:

We really preferred the simple drop down menu. If you insist on the new changes, can't we just have both? As far as participating in testing phases--busy teachers do not have time for that or their administrators don't tell them about it. This was a complete and nasty surprise. Our jobs are difficult enough--please don't make them more difficult. Clear is kind, simple is preferable.

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