[Gradebook Settings] Make late policy affect only attempts submitted after the due date/time

Currently in the New Gradebook, instructors can set the gradebook so that late penalties are automatically deducted. It is unfortunate that in multiple-attempt quizzes for which only the highest-scored attempt is to count, penalties for late submissions can adversely affect scores from attempts that were on time.


For example, suppose a quiz has multiple attempts, and only the highest score is preserved in the gradebook. The instructor allows late attempts with an automatic deduction 25% per day. Prior to the deadline, a student earns a kept score of 75%. When the student attempts the quiz again a day late, he again earns a raw score of 75%. Instead of deducting 25% from the late submission, the gradebook deducts 25% from the kept score. Thus, even though student's highest attempt is the 75% earned before the deadline, his score is recorded as only 50%.


So, I am asking that late penalties apply individually to attempts. Once the attempt is adjusted automatically accordingly, then the gradebook should select or calculate the kept score based upon whatever rule has been set up (such as highest attempt).

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

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 We want to encourage faculty/students to do more learning activities, not discourage them. If students are scared that they'll get a late score if they redo their quiz for practice, how does that help their learning? Workarounds are fairly useless: if students see their attempt marked "late", even if the faculty member changes it later, the wrong message has already been sent.

Community Participant

Why can't we give "kudos" or thumbs up to previous comments?  I have nothing new to add, but I want to support everything that has been said recently.  Consider this my "kudos" to all recent comments.


Community Member

It’s been over 2 years and it still has not been fixed. I just had to change grades manually AGAIN - I guess I will just have to tell students to NOT use the quizzes as review after the due date. So what’s the point of using Canvas Quizzes?!?

Community Participant

I also have nothing new to add but want to echo @Slonsdale 's frustration that this issue has still not been fixed.  It's actually been closer to four years that Canvas has known about this error and has chosen to do nothing about it.  During the pandemic, I wrote a large number of Canvas quiz questions for my department, only to discover that they were useless as a means of motivating students to stay on schedule due to this programming error.  Canvas's unwillingness to fix such an obvious and simple error in this amount of time is simply inexcusable.

Community Participant

This is extraordinarily poor implementation. Applying late penalties to the on-time submissions is so unexpected and painful to work around. I can't help but feel that if Canvas stopped rushing out new features (incomplete and full of bugs like New Quizzes), they could devote some time to fixing bugs in existing features. This does not make me feel valued as a customer. I stubbornly reject as "normal" such poor implementation of technology and the time of mine it wastes.



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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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Problem statement:

Late penalties are applied to all submissions rather than individually. Scenario: Students are allowed multiple attempts to submit a quiz. They submit a quiz on time and are happy with their score. They retake the quiz after the original deadline and are assessed a late penalty. The late penalty is applied to all their scores, even the on time ones.

Proposed solution:

The late penalty should only be applied to the late submissions, and it should correspond to the lateness of each individual submission. Fix this problem!!! It's been 9 years. I'm tired of manually removing late flags from assignments that weren't submitted late.

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Community Member

How can we directly contact Canvas tech support? My campus reps don't actually work for Canvas, so they can't fix these kinds of bugs. Every time I try to reach Canvas support, I'm just brought back to the help guides which aren't real people who can fix things.

Community Member

The current late policy does this on purpose.

The problem is Canvas routinely opens new attempts that the student didn't initiate, then it automatically submits the false attempt when the late window closes. So their "late" submission harms their actual submissions. This would all be moot if the late penalty applied itself logically to individual submissions.
Kind of silly to allow instructors to set their quiz settings for "multiple attempts" and "keep highest score" when Canvas routinely tampers with those scores.