[Gradebook Settings] Separate Late policies for individual assignments

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignments for example.  Having one policy for the whole course means this feature is not usable for us.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

Community Participant

Indeed this would be very useful!! Full support.

Community Member

Instead of only at the course level, it might be helpful to allow settings at the individual assignment level to determine whether a missing/zero policy should apply.  Specifically, in the same way there is a course level sync to SIS setting, but a teacher can uncheck a box for individual assignments, it would be helpful to do the same regarding missing assignments resulting in an automatic zero.  Some teachers create content for extension activities, but students who do not do them are awarded zeros in the gradebook because of the course level policy.  If there was an option to have more control over that feature, it would be reduce the amount of manual gradebook "cleanup" on the part of the teacher. 



Community Member

Definitely interested in this feature

Not applicable

Yes please.  2021 says hi to this request.

Community Member

I think that setting it up for an entire assignment category would be most beneficial. I can categorize it myself from there as long as it can be changed category to category.

Community Member

Yes -- this would be SO helpful.  I'd like to apply a late policy to one assignment group but not another.  

Community Novice

Currently, Canvas offers an automatically "late" penalty for any assignment after the due date; however, an option to mark individual assignments as "late" or to remove the "late" penalty would be helpful for assignments where no late penalty will be enforced. Manually turning each "late" penalty off 100+ assignments is time consuming.



Community Novice

I agree with those who ask for flexibility in late-policy settings across assignment groups.

Community Participant

Yes, please have the late penalty applicable to assignment groups.

In my case, I have a handful of assignments that I want to penalize for late submission because the students need to pick something (only one group can select each topic).  I am encouraging them by giving extra credit points if they submit early, but I don't want to give the points if they submit late.

Otherwise, I don't want to give them a late penalty.

I want to mention that there are many ways to get the flexibility instructors need:

- obviously, change the late penalty set up to not be course-wide, instead be per assignment group, 

- BUT - there could be a "Do not apply late penalty" or a "Apply coursewide late penalty" checkbox for each assignment that acts as an override.  Which button would make more sense would depend on the instructor and class.

- Another option:  Canvas could have a column for "points lost due to late penalties" so we can see how many late points are taken off.  That way we can make an adjustment - for example, when a student has accommodations, we have to manually go in and fix each assignment's due date.  If we could remove late penalties for one student, we would facilitate accommodating those with extra time or making up incompletes.

Community Member

My late policy is to deduct 1 point on assignments 10 points or less and 10% on larger assignments regardless of how much time has elapsed.  Can you please add the option within each assignment to choose a type of late scoring and to have the options include a fixed point deduction, a percent deduction and to have it NOT accumulate with time?  Thanks.