[Gradebook Settings] Separate Late policies for individual assignments

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignments for example.  Having one policy for the whole course means this feature is not usable for us.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

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Problem statement:

I have some assignments in my course where I do not want to have a penalty for late work. For other assignments, I'd like to have a percent deduction for late work, and for others I don't want to accept late work at all. Right now, Canvas will only allow me to apply a late work deduction for every assignment in the Gradebook instead of choosing the policy for an individual assignment.

Proposed solution:

Instead of a having a late work policy apply to all assignments in the Gradebook, I'd like to be able to customize the late work policy for each assignment. Could it be part of the options when editing an assignment instead of an option for the whole Gradebook?

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Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Most classes have different type of assignments, homework, tests, projects, quizzes, bonus, make ups etc. Given the difference in purpose and importance of each of these activities, having the same late submission policy for all of them is unnecessarily restrictive. For instance, the late submission policy for a bonus assignment or a practice quiz, does not need to be as hard as for a take home test or a homework. The instructor can manually change it, but change for the entire role for each of the assignment that do not follow the course policy may be too much for a large enrollment class.

Proposed solution:

Make the late submission policy one of the settings for each assignment. An alternative is to make the late submission policy part of the settings for a group of assignments. The above instead of setting this policy in the gradebook or in addition to that, in which case, the policy set in the gradebook is the default policy unless overwritten for a group or for an individual assignment.

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Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Quizzes are often needing to be separated out from missing/late policies. Students who are missing a quiz are either given a extra time by a teacher or are absent and should not have the same late/missing policies applied to them automatically. This is also important for teachers who allow for multiple attempts as you do not want the later attempts to be marked late automatically.

Proposed solution:

Option to exclude quizzes from late/missing policies. This could be an option in the new quiz builder settings page to allow for the policies either to be or not to be applied to that particular quiz.

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Community Member
Problem statement:

A teacher has a late policy of 5% per day in their class gradebook. This teacher decides: "The big project coming up may take a bit of extra time. I don't want to deduct late points from THAT particular project, but all others should stay the same." There is currently no easy way to do this beyond removing the penalty each time an essay is graded.

Proposed solution:

By implementing a checkbox on the assignments edit page, teachers could indicate to the system to "Exempt this assignment from late penalties." This allows additional flexibility to the teacher in how assignments are graded.

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