[Gradebook Settings] Weight assignment groups by how well students score on assessments
A faculty member at our institution would like the assignment groups weights to be based on how students perform on assessments instead of the standard assignment groups weighting currently being used. For instance, the faculty member would like each student's highest Canvas Quiz score to be weighted at 30%, then the second highest score weighted at 25%, the third highest weighted at 20%, the fourth highest weighted at 15%, and the fifth highest weighted at 10%. Using this grading approach, each student would have a different Canvas Quiz weighted for each assignment group.
To help faculty who weigh students' grades unconventionally, the proposed solution is to allow individual scores to be weighted based on performance. Or, if nothing else, implement a text-based column, as requested via this idea - [Gradebook] Ability to Add a Text Column https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Gradebook-Ability-to-Add-a-Text-Column/idi-p/568404.