[Groups] Discussion Board Groups separated by section should be named by section

Problem statement:

When you create groups automatically by section in a crosslisted course, it will create groups and name them sequentially (e.g., Discussion Board Group 1, Discussion Board Group 2, etc.). This can be confusing to faculty as they often expect that "Discussion Board Group 2" is aligned with Section 002, but this is not the case -- they are randomly assigned. To determine which DB group is aligned with which section, you have to open the group to review enrolled students then compare it to the Grades area.

Proposed solution:

When the "Require group members to be in the same section" box is checked, the group should have a signifier or be named to determine which group it is in. Instead of "DB Group 1, DB Group 2, etc.", for a course with two groups per section you could either have: "DB Group - (section name 1) 1, DB Group - (section name 1) 2, DB Group - (section name 2) 1, DB Group...." or "DB Group 1 (section name), DB Group 2 (section name), DB Group 3 (section name)...." This would allow faculty to see which DB group is aligned with what section in both People and when opening Discussion Boards.

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