H5P Interactive Content Integration

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


This is an awesome FREE online quiz and interactive content generator that includes over 30+ different content types.


I have blogged about it here and included several worked examples: H5P - Free Interactive Content Creation with HTML5 


H5P already intgrates with Moodle and plans for LTI integration is on their road map:




They just need a little helping hand..


Comments from Instructure



We are happy to announce that Joubel has partnered with Instructure and development work has been completed. Beta testing of the H5P integration is wrapping up. Contact them through their website for more information. Joubel | Creating a richer web experience 

Community Coach
Community Coach

H5P has developed an integration model for Canvas. They offer a 30 day free trial on H5P.com. The integration model does cost but we think the price is very fair and represents excellent value for money.

Our school has just purchased the integration, so if you are interested in finding out more or have any questions, by all means drop me a message on Canvas or email me at gideon.williams@britishschool.nl 

Community Champion

 @GideonWilliams ‌

Do they offer individual subscriptions?

Community Coach
Community Coach

That's a very good question. There are two payment models: Author and Site License. We chose Site license as it was the most cost effective and best fitting model for our school's plans and ambitions. 

When I looked at the alternative Author model it had a minimum price per month for 5 authors which included LTI integration and grades stored in the LMS gradebook for an unlimited number of learners.

I don't know if they would accommodate just one author but would suggest you contact the company that makes H5P: Joubel at contact@joubel.com

Community Champion

Thanks  @GideonWilliams ‌ for your response.

Community Coach
Community Coach

If you are using H5P.com and integrating H5P quizzes in Canvas then please consider voting for this idea - H5P Integration, Student Generated Quizzes and Canvas Discussions 

Community Participant

Does anyone know of alternatives to H5P that are FREE? Our district won't pay for anything to create interactive content like this so I am looking for other options that are free.  I know their test site is free but there is not guarantee they won't delete your work and they don't want you using the test site material.



Community Member

Hello Jennifer, you can install your own instance of H5P in a WordPress powered site, then you can embed content inside Canvas. Unfortunately, this way your students can use H5P but you won´t be able to track student´s responses, this is the paid service of H5P, they let you embed h5p content inside Canvas and you get to see student´s progress. 

We have used H5P in our school for a number of years, we used to embed content and it´s funny, we added a Canvas quiz besides the H5P content. 


Community Coach
Community Coach

Learning Apps is excellent - LearningApps.org - interaktive und multimediale Lernbausteine 

The SCORM feature will report back completion of quizzes to the gradebook if you want.

Community Member


Can anyone tell me about whether H5P content is accessible in Canvas?  I mean, I'd love to do some of this cool stuff--but if not all of my students can access it, well...you know...

Community Explorer

Thanks for the information on H5P, Gideon.

Do you know of a way to mute the Due and Points banner on an Assignment? We're trying to use H5P to track learner progress and time in the course/module. The H5P LTI tracks only in Assignments, not pages, so we'd like to mute the banner so as to not intimidate the learner as they go through the content.

The idea is for a course-by-course use, not the entire Canvas instance.

