[Import/Export] Undo Course Imports

It seems that users should be able to undo or delete items they have imported into courses. On the Import Content page under the Current Jobs section, it would be very helpful to have an option to remove, delete, or undo each import individually. Currently if a mistake is made when importing to a course the only option seems to be to reset the entire course content. With users importing various resources from other courses and commons regularly, this solution would save a lot of time and heartache when such mistakes are made. To ask users to reset the entire course content, or to go through the entire course content and find every file, page, or assignment that may have been connected to that import and delete them individually seems like unfair punishment for an easily made mistake. It seems this would also possibly encourage more users to embrace the Canvas Community and use amazing resources like Commons, without fear of making such a mistake, or the time consuming steps of importing to a sandbox first then importing to the desired destination.

Added to Theme

Simplify bulk course tasks Theme Status: Identified

Community Novice

Being able to delete a mistaken import would be ideal for users AND free up precious Canvas support staff time.  Thank you for the consideration!

Community Member

Allow faculty to cancel/abort course imports.

Community Member

This would have saved me so much headache over the last few years with accidental import overwrites. It's ridiculous how easy it is to permanently destroy content in this way - and instructors' cognitive loads teaching multiple online classes maybe even between various institutions means this will be a repeated user issue.  

Community Member


At the bare minimum.  importing selected course content should be the default option with import entire course hidden and hard to accidently click.

Community Novice

I accidentally imported a WHOLE course instead of only one assignment and I was blown away to learn from tech. support that there's no way to undo this action. I of course realize this mistake, but for as long as the product has been around I imagine there are many instances of this issue occurring. Simply changing the user-interface for how one goes about selecting one option from the other when importing would help. The little radio buttons are so close together and have the same look and feel from one option to the next.


Either the undo option or at least a UI change for those import radio buttons would be better than what's currently provided. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme