[Inbox] Ability to message students from the course in general

Problem statement:

Particularly an issue in courses with a large number of enrolments per instructor, it's not always practicable to message large number of students from an individual account. This can also be problematic if the instructor who has been in contact with students is taken ill, or leaves the institution. Students can message multiple instructors, and message recipients can message 'Reply All'. However, if the instructor wasn't in the course when correspondence occurred, it may not be possible to maintain that continuity.

Proposed solution:

Ability to message from the course-level. To kind of treat the course as a user group such that a new instructor added to a course is able to see the messaging history for any messages sent 'from the course'. The default behaviour for replies to this should be akin to a 'reply all' where students can reply to all instructors but may also have the option to NOT have their peers CCd in on the reply.

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