[Inbox] Signature Block

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be nice to have the option to add a signature block that can automatically be added to "Inbox" messages as well as discussion posts.

Community Member

It is very likely that colleges will increased the amount of online courses offered or a hybrid course. It would very easy and less time spend if we had a signature to sign all of our messages. It is definitely a necessity. 

Community Member

Almost 3 years since the initial post on this thread and still no update on signature line/block.

I prefer to have this feature as while students already know they are sending a message to the instructor, having the that feature like in an email also signals to the student a set of expectations with regards to messaging etiquette. I prefer to receive student emails/messages via Canvas inbox to keep them from getting buried under tons of daily administrative emails. But seemingly because of the "message app" interface of Canvas inbox, students forget communication etiquette. Messages arrive with no proper subject line and even with "text" style of grammar. I already have a separate page discussing email etiquette and having a signature line visible, I believe, can reinforce and encourage that sense of propriety/professionalism. I have recently seen some students using their own signature block - which indicates that students will also use that feature once available.

Community Explorer

I also support this idea. 
There’s never enough time for professors. If there are tools canvas can implement to help teachers save time, they should do it! Adding this feature would equate to lots of minutes saved over the course of a semester. 
@kmeeusen I understand that Canvas conversations are a little more like a chat feature, but that shouldn’t limit the flexibility of the platform to meet the needs of each teacher, the choice to keep a formal tone, or the ability to simply share consistent information to all students without having to retype or copy and paste every time. Canvas should make their platform flexible to fit the needs of various teachers, especially ones that can help save us time. 

Community Member

Please add a way to create a signature line for emails within Canvas.  Having a signature line would allow instructors to always have contact info, office hours, and other important info in a place that students can find it quickly.

Alternately, provide a way to show this info in the teacher profile or pin an announcement that always stays visible in the course.


Community Member

I would like to add a voice to gain traction on this request.  I spend unnecessary time copying and pasting a standard signature to each new Canvas email.  As a newcomer to Canvas, I have found the whole emailing feature a bit clumsy and antiquated. For example, I would like to have a feature, directly accessible by students, to allow them to read a history of all the emails in their course.  I believe Sakai has this feature, but have been unable to find it in Canvas other than Archive, which I do not know if students have access to, since I can not see mail in student view. 

Community Member

I concur and joining the community movement to personalised signature in Canvas email. 

Community Member

I've seen this posted multiple times by other educators over the years. I think it's time that Canvas looks into it a little bit more. Many educators would find it beneficial to have a basic signature line that they can add to their canvas e-mail so they don't have to write in their name, credentials, and contact information for every e-mail. Can we look further into creating this as a reality? This option is utilized by professionals within numerous other e-mail interfaces and it would be very beneficial for Canvas to add this. I can't imagine it's to hard to add. Please look into creating this option Canvas, the eductors utilizing your platform would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Community Novice

It would be nice to be able to set a signature for messaging on canvas instead of having to type in our name every time we respond to messages. Thanks.

Community Member


Community Participant

I have proposed this idea myself and seen it echoed more times than I can count.  I find it difficult to believe that it has not received enough "traction" to get acted upon.  😖

The absence of an automatic signature block is a serious and basic flaw to Canvas messaging.