Instructors should be able to publish feedback/submission comments/annotated feedback separately from grades
Currently students can only see assignment feedback (including submission comments and annotated feedback) if instructors publish/post the grades. Instructors need to be able to grade the work and give useful feedback to the students but ONLY release the feedback not the grades - there is lots of research out there that suggests this creates a better learning environment and that students need to have the time to process the feedback separately from the grade (which may or may not be published at a later time depending on the instructor's grading policies). I do not think it's an acceptable solution to tell teachers they have to store grades somewhere else and hold onto them till they want to publish them and then put them into canvas at a later date - this would be a time-consuming and irresponsible suggestion.
There should be three "Post" options for each assignment - "Post Grades", "Post Feedback", and "Post Grades and Feedback" so that they can be separately posted and properly separated as education research suggests they should.