I currently cannot find a way to mark an assignment late (or have it shaded red) manually. If I create assignment details but collect it on paper, then I need a way to tell Canvas if the assignment was turned in late.
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
Agreed. I would also like to be able to remove the red if I choose to not want to notice the late submission. If a student was sick or something and I grant them an extension, I don't want me seeing red make me forget that they are "ok".
Also, if a student has an IEP or was absent a day so the teacher gave him/her additional time, then it would be nice to unmark an assignment as late as well...
Thank You for taking the time and energy to submit and discuss your idea. Your feedback helps our product teams prioritize feature development so we can build a product you will love. Unfortunately, this idea has been archived because it did not meet the 100-vote threshold within the 3-month voting period. Learn more at:How does the voting process work for feature ideas?
Can archived ideas still become a feature? Potentially. Archived ideas can be resubmitted by Community members. As people’s needs change, previously submitted ideas may gain additional traction. All feature ideas are evaluated as a whole and may influence product direction.
Panda-Cat:A mythical creature that we dreamed up to catch your attention, make you laugh, and encourage you to stay invested inFeature Ideasprocess of making Canvas better!
I find the voting process a bit illogical. I completely agree with the original poster and find myself in the same predicament, but apparently a year too late. Clearly this is an issue that needs to be addressed and just because 100 users didn't all tell you so in a 3 month period doesn't change that reality.
Perhaps a bit late now, but in case you're still having this particular issue, you can set different due dates for individual students when you edit an assignment.
Just this very moment trying to find this and apparently it does not exist.
Agree entirely with your thoughts. The frustrations are that the Late feature was added in to online submissions and whilst the process cannot be the same for offline ones, surely there needs to be consistency in the approach so that it covers all eventualities?
For those who voted on this originally last year, or those who are looking for this feature now, almost the entirely same thing is up for voting again, . Hopefully we can get the necessary votes this time.
Most the time we're able to keep duplicates at bay, but in this case the duplicates are out on the surface on purpose. They're related toPriority: Gradebook Enhancements, and have been tagged as such. If Jive (community software) allowed a way to merge ideas, we would have done so. However this is not possible, and a 1+1 of votes is not accurate either - as there are some individuals that have voted on each of these.
So these will remain open until they progress through the priority!