[Assignments] Moderate function for Quizzes Added to Assignments

Problem statement:

The issue is that Assignments do not have the same "Moderate" function that Quizzes do. In addition, Assignments have a "moderate" function that I didn't even know about until I tried to find an answer to this question. The "moderate" function for Assignments has to do with grading. It should be named differently to avoid confusion.

Assignments need the same Moderate function that Quizzes do to allow for adding an extra attempt for a student or even extending the time easily for an accommodation for a student. Faculty are constantly asking me how to allow one student an extra attempt on an assignment and it's not available without giving everyone an extra attempt. Accommodations for students can indicate that they are allowed unlimited attempts and extra time. Extra time can be manually done with the "+Add" function, but there isn't a way to adjust an assignments attempts for one student.


Proposed solution:


  1. Add the same "Moderate" function that Quizzes have to Assignments that would be available once an assignment is published (like quizzes). Being able to add an extra attempt for a student or even extend the time easily for an accommodation for a student is a necessary function. If an Assignment has one attempt and one day to do, if an accommodation indicates double time and unlimited attempts on work, then the student would need to have that setting on any assignment. Having to change the number of attempts for everyone does not work. In addition, if an Assignment is open for two weeks with a single attempt and a single student submits the wrong document, there needs to be an option to allow additional submissions for individual students and not change the number submissions for everyone.
  2. Moderate should only mean one thing in the Canvas environment. Either rename the Moderate for Quizzes and call it the same thing when it is added to Assignments, or rename the Assignments' "Moderate" function to be something that reflects more accurately what it is. I didn't not know there was a "moderate" function for Assignments until I searched for answers the the first question. Using "Moderate" on assignments to indicate something different than how "Moderate" is used on Quizzes is VERY CONFUSING!
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