[Modules] Calculating grades from assignments unpublished from a previous quarter Module
Idea is currently in development |
In previous years, I've been able to unpublish work from a previous quarter and still be able to click on a student's profile, click Grades, and have all assignments and grades for said assignments of that quarter populate with an accurate grade. With the new enhanced Gradebook, everything must be published in order to see a student's accurate grade and assignments from that quarter. This is a huge inconvenience as it now clutters Modules for students. I don't want my students to have Modules from previous quarters to scroll through to find our current work.
Bring back the ability to unpublish Modules/Assignments/Quizzes/etc. but still have all things tied to said quarter factor into their grade when I click on their name and bring up their Grade report or when I filter that specific quarter in Gradebook.