[Modules] Calculating grades from assignments unpublished from a previous quarter Module

Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:

In previous years, I've been able to unpublish work from a previous quarter and still be able to click on a student's profile, click Grades, and have all assignments and grades for said assignments of that quarter populate with an accurate grade. With the new enhanced Gradebook, everything must be published in order to see a student's accurate grade and assignments from that quarter. This is a huge inconvenience as it now clutters Modules for students. I don't want my students to have Modules from previous quarters to scroll through to find our current work.

Proposed solution:

Bring back the ability to unpublish Modules/Assignments/Quizzes/etc. but still have all things tied to said quarter factor into their grade when I click on their name and bring up their Grade report or when I filter that specific quarter in Gradebook.

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Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @krista_lang -

Sorry for the delay with a response! I've been busy learning about what you described and trying to determine this idea's next steps.

From what it sounds like, something may have changed of the summer with a newly-released functionality with Modules. By chance, have you talked to Support regarding the behavior with grades? If not, would you mind opening a ticket? How do I contact Canvas Support? 

If you prefer to discuss via email, you're welcome to contact our team at community@instructure.com

Thank you!

Community Member
Problem statement:

In previous years, I could unpublish a module and leave the assignments published (without having to go back and publish each individually). Now the only Unpublish option is to "Unpublish module and all items". This is so inconvenient because I need to be able to lock students out of the module once a deadline has passed, yet still allow them to see their scores on assignments. I do not use all assignments for each course each quarter due to the changing needs of each group of studnets, so I cannot simply go back and re-publish every item. I would need to make a list on paper and then for each module and then go re-publish the items I used in each of 5 modules for the 3 different courses I teach each quartrer. Can the option to "Unpublish module only" be restored please?

Proposed solution:

Can the option to "Unpublish module only" be restored please? I understand the need for some to unpublish all items, so can we have both options?

User role(s):



Thank you both for your feedback! I want to clarify that no underlying behavior changed, but the release of bulk publish modules exposed the undesired behavior. We are going to solve this by adding the "unpublish module only" option and plan to work on this as soon as possible in the new year. Please keep an eye on the release notes and I will update here as well.  

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: In Development
Community Team
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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Open