[Modules] Module access to specific groups, sections or students

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be great if I could give Modules unique gating rules specific to individual students or groups or sections within the course, similar to how I can create unique assignment due dates for different students and sections.

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Canvas Ideas Featured in 2024 Releases Theme Status: Delivered

Enable Differentiated Learning at Scale Theme Status: In Development

Community Member

With the growing need for remote learning due to the pandemic, I would die for the option to just have some modules available for certain kids.  My gosh this would be so helpful.

Community Explorer

I would like to suggest the option to assign a group of students to a module.  There are times when the content within a module only pertains to a certain group of students. I inquired about this and was told the only way to do this is through an assignment.  There are times when an assignment isn't needed.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open


Thanks for sharing this idea. As it moves forward for broader discussion, you might also be interested in checking out the related conversation at Unlocking Modules for individual students .

Community Member

I would like to be able to make modules visible to only some students. As it is, when I have a module that only applies to some students, they get confused about who is supposed to complete the items in the module, even when I assign graded items to only some students.

Community Member

As an instructor, I would love to have the ability to create modules that are section specific and/or student specific.  This provides yet another level of differentiation for instruction.  Not only do students need assignments focused on specific skills they are working on, but they also need corresponding instruction for those skills.  This applies to all students, whether they are achieving below, at, or above grade level expectations.  Based on what I have found in the Commons, only assignments, quizzes, and discussions can be sent to different sections.  These components are demonstrations of a student's learning, and do not necessarily provide access to differentiated course content.  As a work-around, teachers could use "assignments" for instruction, but this can be overwhelming for many students as they have to scroll through the assignments list; whereas the module feature in Canvas provides a great organizational component.

Community Novice

I agree that it would be wonderful to make a module viewable to only one section or group.

Community Member

Allow modules to be assigned to certain students and or groups. 

Community Member

It will help to solve my problem (due to top down decision - they cross list all classes of same subject into one course), now I need to have different module viewable to different classes inside. 

Community Participant

May I know that status of the feature?