[Modules] Remove "Next" button from last page of module.

I'm not sure if there is already a way to do this but it would be nice if the last page of the module instead of saying "Next" and going to a new module it said "Home" and took you back to the home page. I know you can create prerequisites for modules but for our purposes it doesn't matter what order they do the modules in as long as they all get done. I don't want students to just go through 3 modules and not realize what they have completed. 

Community Member

Hello @jerry_nguyen !

I uploaded your js, and it doesn't seem to work. Perhaps there is something I am missing. We really need that control! We tried the css, and it worked, but we do need it a "next" at the end of a unit, so we removed it.

Thank you in advance for looking in to this.

Community Coach
Community Coach


At the moment, the script will not work if the last item of a module is an external URL, I'll update the script to work with external URL as well.

You can check if the script is working by pressing "F12" to open the browser Developer tools and under "Console" it should show the following



Community Member

The js wasn't showing in the console (Firefox). So I did a syntax check with an online tool. It said line 17 was missing a semicolon? I am not a programmer so I could be mislead. I added the semicolon and it made no difference. so I am returning the script to its original state.





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