[Modules] Task "Check Off" in Modules

I have had several students request that they have the ability to "check off" and "flag" certain items within a modules.  They would like to be able to "check off" when something is completed and flag things to come back to, similar to an email inbox.  

Community Team
Community Team

Hello  @klapacek ‌...

If you use requirements in your course Modules, students can "check off" items as they are completed.  Please review this Guide: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10498-4212668332  Would this work for your needs?

Community Novice


I would like students to be able to view items in any order and therefore do not want to add prerequisites.

Thank you,

Karma lapacek

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @klapacek ‌, two ideas are currently open for voting that we think address the same thing you're requesting. Have a look at https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8378-make-a-checklist and https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/8115-students-should-be-able-to-mark-calendar-events-as-comple... . Do you agree that, if implemented, these ideas encompass what you're hoping to see?

Community Novice

Hi Karma-

I think I know what you're talking about here and the options above are not quite the right fit......and unfortunately I haven't found a solution either.  We don't have due dates for when they need to be completed......and we don't want to add prerequisites either.

We have modules where students (actually these are teachers doing professional development but in the course as a student role) can work at their own pace through the materials......but not all of it may be necessary for each student.  We want students to be able to skip around - and perhaps bypass some of the sections of the module so they can personalize the learning.  Additionally, sometimes the modules are lengthy and the students need to leave and come back.

So how do they keep track of where they were in the module when much of it is content pages and reflection instead of graded work?  Is that what you're talking about too Karma?

Community Novice

That is exactly what I meant!  Some of the modules get lengthy with multiple files and it would be great if students had a way to mark different files in various colors (or flag, etc) for the exact reasons you have described.

Community Novice


Thank you for the suggestions.  However, I do not think that either one of these ideas really meets the needs of my students. Please see comment below for more details. Thank you.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Understood,  @klapacek ‌. The idea is open for voting. Smiley Happy

Community Champion

While it isn't precisely what you want, you can set Module Requirements and not set Prerequisites, and then you get the green checkmarks by whichever things you've set as required as they are viewed/submitted/etc but students are still able to navigate freely throughout the course since there are no Prerequisites locking them out of other Modules. (Obviously, you would also NOT want to check "must be completed in order" when setting the Module Requirements but that's off by default.)

I set up Requirements on basically every Module in my class, even purely informational ones like the list of course standards broken down by unit, so I can see who has and hasn't gone through and looked at them by looking at the "module progress" page for each student. This does not prevent students from ignoring those modules entirely or skipping around within or between modules.

If it had a "mark as unread" option for things with a Requirement of "View" it seems like it would be almost exactly what you want when used this way. (I would really like that feature too.)

Community Novice

Yes I like the idea of making it easier for students to manage their progress, and tools like tagging content should help this.

Community Novice

That would be nice! Then I know which ones of done.