Mute assignment as a option at assignment creation

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
Please can we have this as it could save a lot of headache for teachers 


When you create an assignment can we have it to either


  1. Automatically set the assignment to be muted at point of creation
  2. Having muting an assignment as option in the creation list


It is too easy to forget to Mute an assignment and there are no queues at creation.

Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the .

Community Participant

Yes, I wish there was a setting that did that or if we could hear how your admin might have set that up as that is a feature that some people definitely want.  And the reason many do not want it is for the exact difficulty it is causing you.  So there are not any settings in the courses or admin tools that any of us are aware of that support this.  Looking forward to hearing what your admin has to say about it.  Thanks

Community Participant

Hi Kona -

An official response as to whether or not assignments are muted by default. In other words, whether they are muted by default and your campus administrators have changed that setting so assignments are not muted upon creation; or they are not muted by default and my campus administrators have changed the setting so that they are muted upon creation.

- Elson

Community Participant

Scott -

Thanks. I think we should get official word from Canvas as to what the situation is: (a) Canvas mutes by default and campus administrators can change that setting to not mute by default, or (b) Canvas does not mute by default and campus administrators can change the setting to mute by default.

- Elson

- Prof. Boles

Professor, Department of Sociology

Saginaw Valley State University

Gilbertson Hall N266

University Center, 48710

Vice-President, Four-Year Colleges

Michigan Association of Higher Education

Community Team
Community Team

Hi boles

Assignments are not muted upon creation by default.  Kona and Stefanie are correct.

Kona is absolutely right that you will want to check with your Canvas Admin to see if they have gone in and muted them for you?  Or, I have not tested this yet, but maybe the mute settings came from a course copy/import?

Please keep us posted on what you find out.

Community Team
Community Team

Just wanted to make sure I answer this one for you too!  Canvas Admins do not have a setting available to enforce mute. 

Community Participant

Hi Renee -

It appears you are quite correct! I just created a new assignment and a new quiz to see if they were automatically muted, and they were not. I think I know why all of my other assignments (quizzes, written assignments, discussions, etc) are muted: we migrated this semester from Sakai to Canvas and apparently the migration tool sets all imported assignments as muted by default. I've inquired with my campus administrator, but I predict this will be confirmed.

Thanks for helping me get to the bottom of this. Smiley Happy

- Elson


That is good to know, boles​.  Thank you.

I wonder if all quizzes and assignments migrating over from Sakai comes across muted or if a setting in Sakai makes it so that they come across sometimes muted and sometimes not?

Community Contributor

You may be interested in this feature request for muting by subject:

I closes Jan 6th, so vote soon!

Community Coach
Community Coach

Has this Idea been permanently Archived?

Community Team
Community Team

No, please see the official updates from Jason.