[New Analytics] Missing Assignment Report Revision
Currently, a Missing Assignment Report can be generated under New Analytics in a course. However, this report is not an accurate list of missing assignments for each student. First, the report only scans Online Submissions. If the student doesn't have a submission online, then it will show the assignment as missing on the report.
Issue Example 1: If you have a class of 30 students, but only 5 students were specifically assigned the work, the assignment shows up as missing for the remaining 25 students even though they were never assigned to complete the assignment.
Issue Example 2: If a teacher allows an exception to the online submission and scores the assignment directly in the gradebook, the assignment will still show up as missing on the report since the student did not submit the work online within Canvas. Second, there are multiple ways students can submit work that receives a grade in Canvas beyond simply an online submission. A teacher can also manually add the Missing Indicator to those assignments when grading. However, the way the Missing Assignment Report is currently configured, it does not even pull this information out into the report. Example 1: A student may have multiple assignments listed as missing within the gradebook, but the Missing Assignment report may indicate they have nothing missing since they turned in the 2 assignments that happened to be online submissions.
Teachers and Admins need a reliable Missing Assignment Report that includes accurate information. The current solution in New Analytics does not provide that accurate report. The Gradebook in Canvas is able to differentiate between who was assigned the work and who wasn't. The Gradebook also includes the indicator that an assignment is missing for all types of assignments.
Solution: Build in the ability to generate a report for each student that provides an accurate report of their missing assignments that is based on the data they see in the Gradebook. This report should include information related to ALL assignments that a student is assigned and ignores assignments that were not specifically assigned to a person, a section, or everyone. Why: The purpose of the missing assignment report is to provide students/families clear communication about the grade and what students still need to complete. The information is there in the gradebook, but there is not a current feature that allows for this information to be extracted into usable data for educators.