[New Quizzes] Allow Ability to Change Question Type in New Quizzes

As a teacher, I'd like the ability to change the question type after I have already created the question (like I was able to do with the Classic Quizzes).  For example, after I've created a multiple choice question, but want to change this to a multiple answer question, I could click on a drop down tab next to the question to easily make this adjustment.

Added to Theme

Build dynamic question types Theme Status: Identified

Community Explorer

Not just a nuisance but a very ill-conceived deletion of something that worked well. Please restore the ability to change the quiz type of existing quiz questions now!

Community Member

I'm frustrated with SO MANY things in new quizzes and this is top of the list.  SUCH A WASTE OF TIME. please please please fix this.

Community Member

This should be available!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Is it possible to create the ability to change question types in quizzes for an existing question or to make the change in the item bank? Example: I have created multiple choice questions but would like to change some to multiple answer questions. Instead of redoing them it would be quicker to change the format & save the new question.

Proposed solution:

Create and option either in a quiz or the item bank to change a question format & either save the new one or just replace the old one, whichever is easier to program.

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