[New Quizzes] Drop lowest scoring quiz question(s) for student submission
Some instructors use non-standard methods for calculating their quizzes. The overall points total for quizzes are tied to the individual quiz question values, which limits how quizzes can be administered and assessed across different departments/use cases. Some instructors have inquired about being able to set a threshold, "out of" score for quizzes that is not restricted by the number of questions on a quiz.
Use case:
In some medical school courses, students are given a 30-question practical quiz, with each quiz question worth one point. In the grade book, the instructors would like for the quiz to be worth 25 points total. In this instance, the end goal would be for the quiz to drop 5 of a student's lowest scoring questions without it affecting their grade.
Proposed solution:
Implement a setting in Quizzes that would allow instructors to drop a # of the lowest scoring quiz questions for student submissions (similar to how instructors can drop a # of lowest quiz scores) and/or set a threshold score for a quiz that is not restricted by the individual quiz question values. This would allow for more granularity in how quizzes are assessed in classes.
User role(s):
admin, instructor, ta
Similar question posed: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/Is-is-possible-to-drop-the-lowest-scoring-q...p/514347