[New Quizzes] Filter Moderate Quiz Page

Would it be possible to add a feature on the moderate quiz page on canvas so you could filter by section?

Thank you!

Community Explorer

We absolutely need this with distance learning! I like to use the moderate feature to ensure that students are starting / taking the test during our class time. Having to cross-reference my current class against the ENTIRE course is tedious and time consuming. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put a rush on this one.

Community Member

Please also add filtering by groups!

Community Participant

I also would love this feature. If we can't get it for some reason, could we at least get an alphabetized list? (Or, if I'm being greedy, both?)

Here are my student's first and last initials in the order they appear in the moderate page:

  • A.F.
  • M.H.R.
  • D.H.
  • E.B.
  • J.D.
  • K.D.
  • C.O.P.
  • J.D.
  • T.O.S.
  • O.C.
  • P.D.B.
  • N.P.
  • G.A.

Why aren't the two J.D.'s near each other? They're also in the same section. It just feels random, and it's frustrating that there's no way to sort it.

Community Member

I agree! I can filter by "In progress" which helps, but it still doesn't let me see which kids in a section haven't yet started.

Community Explorer

You can? How do you filter by "In progress?"

Community Member

On the moderate page, there is a pull-down menu. I've included a screenshot below.

At least this way I can see in one window who is currently taking the test, but I can't see which kids in my class haven't started it yet or which ones have already finished which is frustrating. I also can't see how much time is remaining for each student. Both of those are things that were possible with Classic Quizzes.



Community Explorer

Oh, this is only in New Quizzes, right? I'm still using the original Quizzes.

Community Explorer

Because I don't see anything like that on my Moderate Quiz page.

Community Member

A filter by Section option in the quiz moderator would be extremely useful. I give the same quiz to 4 different sections, but almost never at the same time (except final exams). This feature would allow me to display only the section actively taking the quiz on a single page, instead of needing to constantly cycle through 2-3 pages showing all my students. 

Seem like it could function very similar to the section filter in the Speed Grader.


Community Novice

I came to add my own "suggest an idea" post and this was exactly it!  I'd really like the ability to filter or sort by section (or even group) in the "Moderate quiz" section.  Glad I'm not the only one.  Please add this feature for us!  Seems like a very reasonable request!  We can already sort in the speedgrader by many different options... should be applicable here too. Thanks