[New Quizzes] Group Quizzes


I propose the ability to make a quiz a group quiz, like you can for assignments. As a course gets larger instructors would like the ability to automate the activities to include more students and not have to rely on TAs to get things done - we also think this would save in-class time. We realized that not all students are bringing devices to class and it would help if a group quiz would allow one student to submit a quiz he/she has submitted for a group.


To sum up:

- group quiz

- all students would receive credit as it is a group activity

- just like a group "assignment"


  Comments from Instructure

2022-07-12 -- After reviewing this long-existing idea, the Community Team has determined that this request will remain Open. While it was authored when only Classic Quizzes existed, the idea can be applied to New Quizzes as well. Ultimately, this will reduce the number of duplicated Idea requests and allow the conversation and collaboration to exist in a single space. 

Community Explorer

We have a real need for this sort of thing now, since we're using Canvas for some of our advising and cohort groups. Our instructors have a need to be able to administer pre-program and post-program tests for groups of students within a single course. I would love to see this re-visited!


George Hoffman

Shenandoah University

Community Novice

I am conducting experiments in Canvas on a weekly basis and I need to separate the students into different groups for experiments (designed thi quizzes). Group quizzes are extremely helpful and necessary. 

Gulseren Mutlu


UT, Austin

Community Novice

Where is the vote button again? 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @gulseren_mutlu ‌, the vote buttons are at the very top of this idea. Here's an example of how the Vote up button might look to a logged-in user who has not yet voted on a particular idea. According to the list of voters, you have already voted.


Community Contributor

This feature is a serious need for those of us who must provided differentiated experiences for students.

Rick Swengel

English teacher and Technology Coordinator

Perry Meridian High School, Indianapolis

Community Participant

Still wondering why this is still in voting.  It's been in voting for 3 years.  Could we please get some feedback?

204Vote UpVote Down
Voted on 206 times.You have voted up.OPEN FOR VOTING
Community Novice

We use team-based learning in several courses at U of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy. We need the functionality of a group quiz for our team readiness assessment tests (tRAT). We also would like to incorporate the suggestions from "Submit multi-question assignment question by question" so that our student groups can get immediate feedback on whether they got the question right. If they got the question wrong, then we would like to give them the opportunity to discuss and then retry (select another answer). We would like the functionality for the instructor to incorporate a percentage of points deduction for each attempt (e.g. 1 point if group answers correctly first time, 0.5 pt if they answer correctly on 2nd attempt). 

Community Contributor

This is an excellent idea. It has applications across the board especially for formative assessment and as a basic learning tool.

Community Novice

I do team based learning as well and it is quite cumbersome to track 40 teams for the tRATs in our 200 student class, so I'd love to be able have this addressed!

Kathleen Mullen DNP MA RN CNE

Assistant Professor of Nursing at CUMC

Columbia University School of Nursing, Masters Direct Entry Program

560 West 168 Street, #504

New York, New York, 10032


Community Novice

This would be extremely helpful for TBL.