[New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes

Many times, we write quizzes that get progressively more difficult. I would love a feature where students can get grades as they go on a quiz. In other words, they can submit their answer for question 1 and see correct answers and/or comments before they have to submit their answer for question 2.  By doing such, a student could determine if they are on a completely wrong trajectory before failing an entire quiz. This can maximize effectiveness of instructor comments, identify key basic misunderstandings before advancing, give immediate feedback for the student, and allow the quiz to be both a learning and assessment tool.


Currently, the only option to do this is to create multiple one question quizzes instead of a single multi question quiz. This is not only cumbersome, but can be awkward within Grades (especially if you have settings to drop high/low scores)

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Community Member

Yes please! Big Ideas has the check answer feature which is very nice! I would love that as an option in the settings for students to be able to check their answer. We would want to be able to choose a limited amount of check answers though. 

Community Participant

I think having a LIVE quiz where the teacher can see what options the students have submitted per question while they are doing the quiz is really helpful!

The feedback is immediate for both the student and teacher, which is really really helpful for online lessons and hybrid lessons!! 

Community Explorer

PLEASE make this (immediate feedback by question) a feature as soon as possible! It would definitely need to have turn on/off ability. But as I am working to upgrade my class for full, asynchronous learning, this feature is needed badly! The work around in old quizzes limits other abilities for randomizing questions or pulling questions from banks which are also very helpful for student learning. I would love to hear from a Canvas person about any potential timeline for this feature being developed.

Community Explorer

Was just searching on how to do this and found this post. This is a VITAL feature for formative assessment. Currently our teacher go outside of our LMS in order to obtain it because they cannot do without it. We want the option in New Quiz for students to be able to see if their answer is correct or not on a question level basis, instead of waiting for the end of the quiz to see how they did.

Maybe add "formative assessment" feature that could be turned on that tells students after every questions (with the exception of essay questions graded by the teacher). Or create options for when/how feedback is given with an option to show students whether or not they answered a question correctly immediately after answering it versus after submitting the quiz.

Right now our teachers utilize GoFormative in order to obtain this feature. IF a school is a partner school with GoFormative, then it can be integrated into Canvas as an LTI and we could have the power to give kids immediate feedback at the question level while still within Canvas. Our district does not have the budget to be a partner school, and as a result we cannot integrate GoFormative into Canvas using free versions of GoFormative. Having the ability to directly give students feedback after each question is answered using Canvas New Quiz would allow for us to also use our question banks and keep kids in Canvas, while still giving us the ability to use the power of formative assessment. Right now, we do not have any good options to formatively assess directly within Canvas.

Community Member

@CarlaD07, thank you SO MUCH for drawing my attention to GoFormative!

Community Explorer

Agree! Immediate feedback is key to being able to use the New Quiz for formative assessment. You might also want to check out another Idea Conversation titled New Quizzes: Immediate feedback in quizzes which is also calling for this feature.


Community Member

Hello. The thread I started has been moved here, to having this feature in new quizzes. I don't use new quizzes, I use classic quizzes, I want this feature in classic quizzes. New quizzes are a mess. They don't support question banks (essential for sharing/re-using with other teachers), don't support several question types, and are very buggy and not at all user-friendly. If you ever add this feature, then please add it to classic quizzes (as well). Classic quizzes are stable and user-friendly. I just want a worksheet mode added.

Community Member

I like how conversations consistently are getting moved into this thread, and yet there appears to be ZERO acknowledgment of this issue, let alone any progress made towards achieving what is scientifically proven to be better for the students, that instructors are clamoring for.

A friend who teaches high school recommended Edutastic to me, because it provides instant feedback. I will be looking into that with some intensity. 

Community Member

I would love to see the option for mastery-based learning embedded in quizzes. I often use quizzes as assignments because of the autograding feature, and I want students to have multiple tries on each problem. However, they can't see which problems they got wrong until they submit. To try again, they have to go back through and resubmit all the problems they already got wrong, just to try a new answer on the one they missed. Can we have a "check  answer" button option, or something similar, for each question? That would allow students to have instant feedback, instant remediation, and greater efficiency on their tasks.

Community Member

Hello? Anyone there? It looks like this is a widely-requested feature. It would be nice if you would at least tell us that you're not going to work on it anytime soon so that we can start searching for an LMS that will.

Immediate feedback is useful in many scenarios, particularly formative assessment. It seems like a no-brainer.