[New Quizzes] Label an Image Question type

Hot Spot is a great question type if you want students to identify a SINGLE point on an image. It would be great if there was an Question Type that allowed you to label an image. It could operate like a multiple fill in the blank question, but instead of having a sentence with blanks to fill in, the question would allow you to upload and image and create multiple blanks to fill in right on top of the image.

An example of how it could work: 

  • Uploaded an image
  • Select different areas of the image to create a "fill in the blank" type entry right on top of the image
  • Have a dropdown or word bank option (similar to fill in the blank question type) for students to select from for each labeled area

For example, a teacher could upload a map, create answer spots for various locations, and then students would drag and drop the labels from a word bank to each location on the map. Or students would click on each location on the map to get a dropdown box to select from for the correct label.

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