[New Quizzes] - Moderate Page Reflect Who Quiz is Actually Assigned to
I have seen many ideas about the Moderate page in New Quizzes but not seen this mentioned. In classic quizzes, if you cross-list a course and then only assign the quiz to a section, then when you go to moderate, you only see the students it is assigned to. Same situation in New Quizzes, the moderate area shows ALL students but only gives data on the students it is assigned to. The problem is this is where you go to assign extended time/accommodations so it appears you can make the change there but in reality you must make the change in the exam they are assigned. While this might seem obvious, since the ability presents itself, it is confusing instructors.
Today we had an instructor who used the same exam but copied it 3 times so that there was one for each section and then used the available from and until times to restrict when they could access it (she really could have done this without copying it but she did what she did). When she opened the one only assigned to section 1, she could see all the students in the course listed so she made the time adjustments to all the students that received accommodations in all three sections, thinking it is the same exam so why not. The problem is that only section 1 was really assigned that exam so none of the students in the other sections received their accommodations. Can the moderate area only reflect the students assigned the exam like it does in classic?