[New Quizzes] New Quizzes Question Type - Drawing

Many of our fully-online courses (particularly in science and math) require that students draw a diagram or process in their assessments, and when combined with proctoring tools, this becomes a complicated process.  The current workaround is that students download a PDF as a question type within a proctored exam and submit this later as an assignment submission, but there are many technological and time-consuming issues with this process for both students and instructors, including confusion about the numerous steps, printing issues, scanning issues, uploading, file type errors, verifying that students completed the drawing within the time allotted, and others. 


This would be vastly improved and streamlined if instructors could simply create a "drawing" type question directly in Canvas where students would use a mouse or other device to input lines and text that would then be manually graded by the instructor.


It would be a very helpful function to allow instructors to annotate drawing corrections directly on the student's entry when grading.


Note: Quizzes.next currently presents a number of technological issues with our proctoring tools, and instructors have expressed that using a multiple choice question where students would simply recognize the correct drawing from a list is unacceptable for their learning outcomes.


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Community Explorer

Couldn't agree more. As a math teacher a drawing question type is a must in order to truly keep our kids within Canvas 100% of the time and provide me a means to view their work beyond asking them to upload pictures of their work as files, which creates an additional step for them and is cumbersome for younger students.

Community Member

These is badly needed in physics when making questions and when students answer questions. At the minimum, we need a Word Shapes and Draw options.

Now, instructors need to make questions based on figures and graphs out out on the internet rather than ones designed for the equations they want to ask.


There is no way for students to show their work using Quizzes unless we supplement their methods of answering questions using other methods like emails.


Community Novice

Especially helpful for our teachers who are using canvas and teaching Kinder!

Community Contributor

More agreement!

We have Welding courses and students are asked to draw a welding symbol as it would appear on a blueprint. Faculty need this type of question vs the simpler "identify" type of question that we can already ask by including images in MC questions or "describe" questions we can make from Short Answer. "Create" moves us up Bloom's Taxonomy.

If paint/drawing tools can be added to the RCE response area, then we can simply use Short Answer question types - no need for a new type, then.

Also of use, would be the ability to annotate a preset image as quiz response. Perhaps these functions are related.

Community Participant


As a math teacher this is function is absolutely necessary. There's not much to say that others haven't already mentioned, so I'm just here to upvote and keep this thread at the top of the discussion board. Hopefully, more people see this and vote as well!

Community Explorer

Adding my voice to the many others here to say that this feature would be a wonderful addition to Canvas for the sake of our College of Sciences.

Community Participant

Math and science teachers need this to fully utilize canvas! We also need to submit a drawing to represent the "correct" answer. 

Community Participant

I agree. Inking for quizzes and the Rich Content Editor is so important for elementary grades and math work.

Community Member

I teach drafting classes that require students to recognize and use drafting symbols. I currently need to have students draw the symbols on paper, take a picture and submit it.

Community Member

This would be great for grammar as well. I have my students diagram sentences in my class, at the moment we can only do this together on a collaborative program. If it was available for Canvas, they would be able to practice on their own with proper feedback.