[New Quizzes] Partial Credit for "Matching", "Categorization", and "Sorting" question types in Quizzes.Next tool

Comments from Instructure

The  Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15) includes partial credit options for matching questions in New Quizzes. Please refer to  New Quizzes: Partial Credit for Matching Questions .

The Quizzes.Next assignment questions type "Categorization", "Matching", and "Sorting" currently don't allow for partial credit to be given.  In order to pacify my students and to give credit were credit is due I'm currently manually adjusting the scores on these questions. Very tedious!



Thus, I would appreciate if the Canvas team would add the option for partial credit to added to these three assignment question types.


if a question has 2 categories and a total of 10 points, a student that would answers one of the two categories correctly would get 5 points.
if a "Sorting" question has 5 sort items and 10 points overall, a student that sorts 3 out of the 5 items correctly would receive 6 points (3/5*10)

if a "Matching" question has 3 items and 10 points overall, a student that would get 2 out of the 3 items matched correctly would receive 6.67 points (2/3 * 10)


PS: this link brings you to the Canvas FAQ page that documents the current status of this issue:

Added to Theme

Build dynamic question types Theme Status: Identified

Community Explorer

Four years and this feature is still noticeably absent in New Quizzes.

Community Explorer

Looking at the roadmap, there are a lot of things that don't look that useful for teachers. This would be useful. All or Nothing makes zero sense, as if the designer has no background in education.

Community Explorer

Everyone who designs the Canvas software should have to teach several classes on a regular basis.  Since they are ignoring our feedback, they need to know first-hand how things work in the real world so they can make it work for us.

What makes GradeScope so amazing is that it seems to be designed by people who actually grade a lot of exams and papers.  It is intuitive to figure out, flexible, and the workflows are generally pretty darn efficient.  If only Canvas were as well-designed as GradeScope!

Community Member

Upvote. Please make partial credit for these types of questions a feature. The teachers from our large school district are demanding it. Please listen, Canvas. Looks like this has been in the queue for 3 years now.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Member
Problem statement:

Hi. My students have just told me that they keep getting zero on categorization questions in the new quizzes program. Is there a way to give them the credit they deserve, even if they get 1 wrong. All or nothing is very frustrating for kids and me because now that I know, I have to go in and manually 1 by 1 and mark each quiz. Very frustrating, that was not the purpose, immediate feedback is what the kids need.

Proposed solution:

Change the marking so that kids get the credit they deserve. It works for matching questions, it should work for categorization questions.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Partial credit needs to be enabled within multiple items within new quizzes. Specifically, my staff was looking at ordering and categorization. There are multiple other new quiz options where partial credit would be beneficial, but I have staff shying away from using those quiz components because of undesired outcomes.

Proposed solution:

Include the ability to award partial credit for items. Example: If I am sorting 10 items and I get 9 correct and 1 wrong, give me 9/10, not 0/10 like it is now.

User role(s):


Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Categorization questions are currently all credit or no credit. If a student gets 9/10 questions correct, they receive 0/10 points. This is not the same as matching. There is another topic asking for Categorization and Sorting partial credit that has been linked to the completed partial credit for matching questions, but Categorization AND Sorting still remain all or nothing.

Proposed solution:

Make partial credit an option for all question types in New Quizzes, but especially Categorization.

User role(s):


Community Member
Problem statement:

Categorization questions under "New Quizzes" can be used to assess a substantial amount of content, but it does not include a "partial credit" feature

Proposed solution:

Include a "partial credit" feature for categorization questions in "New Quizzes"

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