[New Quizzes] RCE to match Canvas

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Please feel free to turn this feature idea off if it's been addressed (or on it's way?) but I am not initially seeing it. With the new Rich Content Editor rolling into Canvas (June 2020), can I request that we have one RCE across Canvas (inclusive of the Equation Editor)?


I'd like to request New Quizzes use the same RCE as within a Canvas course. (or at a minimum can the icons and locations of options be the same?)


Training and supporting a single content creation tool for rich text allows for a more seamless adoption of New Quizzes and ongoing consistency. Faculty and students will see the New Quizzes as part of Canvas a bit more easily. (and no need to reinvent the wheel Smiley Happy).


New RCE (Wiris-like Equation Editor)

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New Quizzes RCE (MathQuill Equation Editor)

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Added to Theme

Community Participant

Is there any timeline on this issue to be fixed?

Our university is preparing to migrate to Canvas, and I think it would be problematic to enable Classic Quizzes for instructors to have to go through multiple migrations (current LMS testing tool > Canvas Classic Quizzes > New Quizzes) with progressive feature loss at each migration stage.

That said, instructors have high-stakes assessments, particularly in math, science, and language courses, that use content which is not currently available to include in New Quizzes.  For example, LaTeX math in answer options for matching questions, embedded Kaltura media in question text, and question groupings where a set of instructions such as a scenario, video or audio recording is placed above and associated with a set of questions.  None of these appear to be available in the current creation workflow in New Quizzes.

Community Explorer

I agree with @hlovett : Has there been an update on this question?


Hello all,

We are currently integrating the new RCE (which you use in other parts of Canvas) to New Quizzes. Although this is an older post, you can see the details of what we are doing here.

Recording media, insert course links, HTML editor, accessibility checker and all other functionalities will be available.

Community Member

The RCE for the stimulus only allows for picture, video, and link.  I want to be able to embed using HTML code like I can on a regular page or assignment.  Please allow the HTML function in RCE for quiz stimulus.  Thank you!

Community Explorer

I am relatively new to Canvas and I have not read all the comments on the RCE (yet) but with what I remember, I agree with the members posting here. As a teacher/content creator ( @JuliaKale@fagers@JMonahan2 and others 😊 ) etc. you need to be able to structure text that is going to be provided in learning material as well as in quizzes.

Community Member

Is it possible to add a Rich Content Editor and/or Equation Editor for shart answer questions in quizzes and new quizzes in Canvas?  I would like students to be able to write expressions in Canvas especially for short answer questions in quizzes.  Is it possible to make the rich content editor and/or equation editor for short answer questions in Canvas quizzes?


Hi @JasonRasmussen,

Can you please elaborate what do you mean by short answer questions?

Community Participant

@TamasBalogh, I believe Jason is referring to questions that require some text. For example, Math solutions. Without the RTE (Math editor) the instructor is left with a multiple choice answer selection. At least that is my concern. 

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Status changed to: On Beta
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For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2022-12-17)

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Status changed to: Completed
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For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2022-12-17)