[New Quizzes] Retake only missed questions for students with IEP

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Problem statement:

Many of our students with IEPs have the right to retake a test or quiz, but only the questions they had incorrect the first time. This is our legal obligation to our special education students. Currently, if a student retakes a quiz on Canvas, they have to retake the entire quiz. This is frustrating and demoralizing for our students, in addition to not meeting their educational needs.

Proposed solution:

Quizzes should have the option to retake only the questions missed, similar to how we set additional time for specific students. This would allow our school, district, and all of California teachers to meet the legally mandated obligations stipulated by our students' IEPs.

User role(s):


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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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  Comments from Instructure


This feature is available in Beta. For more information, please read through the

Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16) 

How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an instructor?

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Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2023-09-16)