[New Quizzes] Rich Content Editor (RCE) for Matching Question Types

The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is available to use in *most* quiz question types, but not Matching questions. A lot of our instructors would like to use images, or bold/italicize text, or use other options in quiz answers, and without the RCE they are not able to do that. It needs to be available to use in ALL quiz questions types.


As an example, some of our IT instructors would like to be able to use Matching questions, and have students match an icon with a term/definition. Without being able to use the RCE for the answer spaces, this is not possible.


Please consider making the RCE available for ALL quiz question types.

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Build dynamic question types Theme Status: Identified

Community Member

There really needs to be an ability to match pictures with words.  It is extremely frustrating trying to find work arounds for something that can be so easily done in Schoology.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Moderating


What is it that you are trying to accomplish?  Not sure what you mean by "match pictures with words".

Community Participant

Where did the upvote option go?  I want to add my voice to this five year old suggestion. Why are so many of the suggestions on "New" Quizzes so old? Has there been any development on "new" quizzes since it was initially released?

Community Explorer

Having more dynamic options like drag and drop would be very useful. It could be used either with words and pictures or dropping words into sentence blanks, etc. 

Community Team
Community Team


we'd love to further the conversation here.  Can you provide more context?

Community Member

I should be able to insert/past a picture in the matching areas, rather than fiddle with a strategy in the question prompt area.  Here is a shot of where I feel you should be able to add content such as pictures to match to.  I want students to be able to match a name to a symbol.  I know this can be accomplished in another way, but it should be as easy as pasting into the areas illustrated below (matching right or left side).  In other words, images should work as a response just as text would.


Community Coach
Community Coach

MathQuill is a great tool in New Quizzes, however, can this option please be added to the matching questions? Thank you. 

Community Novice

It would be helpful if matching questions would allow for inserting images and math equations into the questions and answers.  It would also be helpful if there was a drag and drop feature for test questions that would also allow for inserting images and math questions.  

This feature is available in mastery connect; however, we are primarily using canvas and the students are familiar with canvas.

Community Member

Yes, this needs to be implemented for STEM fields.  I can't really use matching if I can't use LaTeX math editor in the text box to write equations and math formatting...  I would love to be able to use these alternative quiz question types, but right now all I can do is look at them and hope someday this will be implemented.

Community Participant

We would like to see the RCE in all question types.  We are trying to add a audio recording to either the matching or the multiple drop down quiz types.  We are able to currently do this in the classic Quiz but no longer able to do this in the New Quizzes.