[New Quizzes] Sort/Filter by submission date

Problem statement:

A Teacher or Admin wants to view recent submissions to a New Quiz (it is a fully auto-graded quiz so viewing submissions=view scores). It is currently not possible to filter or sort by the submission date. It is not possible in the Gradebook UI, it is not possible in gradebook export (submission date info is not there), and it is not possible in any of the currently available Reports for New Quizzes. For more context: this is especially vexing in the case of Quizzes administered to large numbers of people who complete the quiz at the time of their choosing over the course of a semester/year. The coordinator would like to just view new attempts/scores as they come in.

Proposed solution:

Several possible solutions: 1. [MOST IMPORTANT SOLUTION!!} Include submission date/time info in the New Quizzes Student Analysis Report, when that report is enabled. This information *was* included in the Student Analysis Report for Classic Quizzes. 2. Include submission date info in the Gradebook export file 3. Enable "Sort By: Submission Date" in the sorting for individual assignments in the gradebook 4. Enable "Filter By: Submission Date" in Gradebook Filters 5. Related Idea: enable notifications for new New Quiz submissions. I already submitted this idea but apparently it was marked "Will Not Consider": https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/New-Quizzes-Notification-for-Submission-of-Quiz-with... There are probably more. I also found a related idea from another user: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/New-Quizzes-Show-Submission-Timestamp-For-All-Submis.... This idea includes a lot of the essence of solutions I've described here, but I want to note that it was added to theme "Improved UI Controls and Usability - Additional filtering and view options," which was NOT a theme that was chosen this round. So I'm not sure whether we should be attacking this problem from the gradebook/filtering angle or from the New Quizzes reporting angle: I just want this functionality somehow, ASAP!

User role(s):
