[New Quizzes] SubFolders for Item Banks

PLEASE develop folders and subfolders within question banks so questions can be organized for easier access in quiz creation.  If a teacher chooses to develop a quiz with a selected number of questions randomly being chosen from several different question banks, it becomes very difficult to filter through the hundreds of question banks created, especially when canvas lumps all questions banks from all courses together in the quiz creation.  For example it would be nice if a teacher could create a folder for each unit and within that folder have subfolders for M.C., fill in blank, Graph interpretation, essay etc.  Right now you have to create a different question bank for each question type, point value and subject area.  Teaching 4 different subjects creates hundreds of banks and becomes chaotic really fast.  It is like trying to save everything on your desktop and then be expected to go find one document in the thousands of items.  Folders with subfolder capability is only logical to file questions in a bank.  Please make this needed addition this summer!!
Community Champion

It would be helpful to have subfolders that could be referenced when automatically selecting random questions from the group.  For example, "select __ questions with no more than __ from each folder"  This would allow instructors to ensure that quizzes randomly pulling from large banks address all topic in that bank.  The alternative, many small banks, is possible, but very cluttered since all of a teachers banks for all courses are in one list.

Community Member

I wish we could organize the banks into folders The number of banks I have in each course is getting ridiculous trying to find which bank I'm looking for. 

Community Member

this is an awesome idea!

Community Participant

I would really really like this idea. I make multiple question banks per chapter with different question types. I also teach multiple classes, so this would be very helpful!

Community Novice

Would love to be able to group questions in the new quiz form, like we could in the older quiz maker. It allows us to have unique quizzes, with out making multiple quizzes.

Community Member

Yes I would love this!

Community Participant

First semester Canvas user here and running into trouble recreating quizzes in Canvas like I used to be able to do in D2L because of lacking features like this one.  Six years to get this implemented and still nothing.  Maybe we can hope for it to be implemented within a decade after its suggestion. 2026, please come soon!

Community Member

Why does this suggestion even need to be voted on?  Clearly the current design of the question banks does not work.  Anyone who uses this product quickly discovers that.

This is not a missing feature. This is a design-bug of Canvas.

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: New