[New Quizzes] When a new quiz is a module item, display next and previous buttons after quiz launch and submission

Problem statement:

When a new quiz is added to modules as a module item, the next and previous buttons display on the start page. After the student starts the quiz, however, the buttons are no longer visible at the bottom of the page. And, most importantly, the module navigation buttons do not reappear after quiz submission. The student is left in the quiz without a module or course navigation available. The only recourse is to click the Return button which dumps the student into Assignments or the course home page if assignments has been removed from the course navigation. This is a terrible user experience.

This is a follow-up to the idea New Quizzes: Next button for Module Progression, which is marked as developed, but the solution is not satisfactory.

Proposed solution:

Find a way to incorporate the Module next and previous buttons throughout the new quiz experience from loading the start page, to starting the quiz, through submission and viewing results

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Coach
Community Coach

Yes, 100% agree this needs to be improved.   And please don't forget the user experience in the Student App as well.

Community Coach
Community Coach

This is a HUGE deal - especially with younger students.  Navigating in and out of New Quizzes has been cumbersome for teachers and students.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I agree with all of the above. NewQuizzes has some great features, but navigation is "bulky"

Community Champion

100% this.  We incorporate the previous and next buttons to help streamline the student's experience in navigating through an online course.  This is a huge interruption to that process!!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme