Organize the Term Selection Drop-down List

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


  Idea open for vote Wed. November 2, 2016 - Wed. February 1, 2017  Learn more about voting...


As a Canvas Admin I need a more efficient method to select the term associated with specific courses when searching for courses in the Course Filtering section of an account page. Currently, the 'Show courses from the term:' drop-down list displays all of the terms in a haphazard way making it difficult to quickly select the needed term.


However, on the Grading page for an account (...accounts/000/grading_standards), the 'Attach terms' selection field (this field is visible when you have Grading Periods enabled and you're creating/editing a Grading Period) displays the terms beautifully by organizing the terms according to their current state (Active, Future, and Past - in that order) See my attached screenshot. I know this isn't really a drop-down list on this particular page, but similar functionality needs to be implemented when searching for a course on an account page. UVU is among the earliest of adopters of Canvas (best decision ever), and our Term list is getting as long as the list of reasons we had to switch from Blackboard back in the day .


Every time somebody up-votes this idea, a Panda smiles and is able to live a more satisfying life.


  Comment from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-12-10)

Community Champion

Thanks. I actually had done that, but was directed to this post (probably because the title is exactly what I am talking about). I think my original post is gone. 

Community Champion

Also - what I am talking about IS in the admin interface. Terms are setup in the admin interface. Teachers may or may not have access to course settings, but they cannot setup a course here - only I, as an admin, can do that. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @swinter , with regard to your comments:

Terms are setup in the admin interface.

I've navigated to an account and have clicked on the Terms link for that account that has many terms set up. I do not see the dropdown to which you're referring. The dropdown depicted in the screenshot  @kmeeusen ‌ provided doesn't appear when I click on the edit pencil for an existing term, nor does it appear when I click on the Add New Term button at the bottom of that page.

but they cannot setup a course here - only I, as an admin, can do that. 

Creating and setting up a course is a permission that can be granted to teachers, and many schools allow teachers to create courses.

Kelley's screenshot is, as I think we've all agreed upthread, what one sees in the Settings tab for a course; it's not an account setting, nor is it something that only admins can access. If you would like your idea to go forward, you'll need to rewrite and resubmit it. When you write it up, include screenshots of what you'd like to see changed in the admin interface with a specific description of how you're navigating to it in an account and exactly where it appears. 

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