[Outcomes] Hide Outcome criterion points on associated rubric

Problem statement:

Currently, when an instructor attaches an Outcome to a Rubric they have the option to uncheck the box to "Use this criterion for scoring". However, the points associated with the Outcome ratings are still visible on the rubric. This can be confusing or stress-inducing for students when they see they earned 'zero points' on an outcome, even if they aren't expected to be meeting the outcome yet   For example, our faculty want to track program learning outcomes across courses. In introductory courses, students may just be on the border of meeting that learning outcome. This is important information for the program to capture so they can determine in which courses students are developing these skills and does that align with the program's expectations.

Proposed solution:

Hide the Ratings points for an Outcome that has the "Use this criterion for scoring" disabled on the rubric.   In the example given above, the outcomes are used more as an assessment of the course/program. Hiding the ratings points for the Outcome on the rubric will diminish the potential negative impact on students who currently sees 'zero points' for a "Developing" rating (the text equivalent of the default "Does Not Meet" rating. Seeing the word "Developing" is much more accurate that seeing zero points - even if the zero points don't officially count.   This change would also bring the Ratings view into alignment with the Total points view of this Outcome (currently shows dash marks instead of max points from the outcome, and remove any ambiguity whether "Use this criterion for scoring" was disabled for the outcome on the rubric.

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Improved rubric creation and usability Theme Status: In Development

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I completely agree with this! I would love to use "outcomes" to help with our University's departmental assessment where faculty could add our departmental outcomes to their course assessment rubrics and could collect data for assessment purposes at the same time they evaluate student work. 

That said, I would love to see this a step further where the "outcomes" rubric items could not even be visible to the students. After all, these departmental outcomes are actually evaluative of our majors and minors (our teaching programs) and NOT the students. Therefore, having the option to hide these rubric items, yet still allow use to collect the data via the learning mastery gradebook would be ideal. The solution proposed above would also be helpful 

Community Novice

Yes!  This would be an excellent addition to the outcomes opportunity.

Community Novice

Yes, please do! It seems very odd to have points associated with an outcome that is not used in scoring. Even though it doesn't increment the rubric total, it shows points as available, and this will surely be a source of confusion for students and thus more questions/emails for instructors. Please do this, as well as the option to hide the outcomes from students entirely:


I need both of these fixes yesterday...

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