[Pages] Better visual feedback that a page has an "Assign to" different than "Everyone" needed

Problem statement:

The introduction of the possibility to Assign a page to specific people is a great addition, but when viewing the page there is no direct information that this feature has been used; only when you click the Assign to button do you get the information that such restrictions are in play.

Especially when there are several instructors, or when a new instructor takes over an existing course, this can lead to hard to solve problems, the instructor simply does not understand why some students cannot see their page, and they never think to check the Assign to button.

We also have some instructors that do not "dare" to use this feature due to concerns that they "will forget" which pages they used it on. There is also no way to see this in the Pages list; here you need to access the 3-dot menu and choose Assign to; again this is not something our instructors remember to do.


Proposed solution:

When viewing the page: It would be very helpful (especially when a course has several instructors) to have a visual indication on the page. Something like the colour change used to indicate publication state on that button would work very well. I am not altogether sure if Green should indicate Assigned to everyone and then a slightly more warning like colour like Yellow or Orange should indicate that restrictions are in play. Or if the current grey should be kept for all with Assigned to everyone and a colour be reserved for pages with restrictions, then perhaps not Green but again a colour that calls for attention. I dont think there is a need to try to summarise the Assign to restrictions on the page, for that the current interface is sufficient, but simply a way to know that there IS something more than Everyone visible when clicking the Assign to button.

When viewing the page list: I think a pill (like Front Page) would do the trick, with a text like "Assigned to" or smth, again no summary of who it is assigned to is needed, the existing 3-dot menu options is sufficient. Again, Assign to "Everyone" does not need to be marked, only when the Assignment restrictions differ from it.

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1 Comment
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Problem statement:

We don't see which pages are visable to which sections

Proposed solution:

Make it as visable as it is on modules and announcements

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