Partial Credit for Multiple Choice Questions

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


It is sometimes nice to be able to assign partial credit for multiple choice questions.




Which musicians were members of The Who in the 1970s?


A) Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Elton John, John Entwistle     (worth .75)

B) Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Keith Moon, John Entwistle    (worth 1)

C) Pete Seeger, Roger Daltrey, Elton John, John McCartney         (worth .5)

D) Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Ronnie Wood         (worth 0)


Comments from Instructure

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Coach
Community Coach

e01166​, is the following feature idea similar to what you are suggesting - ? It looks like the same general idea, but I like your example a lot better! Smiley Wink

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I agree with  @kona ​ in that this sound like a similar idea as ​. That said, this idea will move forward in the next voting cycle since there might be significant differences in their design when it comes to engineering this feature.

Hopefully e01166​ and johnpj​ will support each other's ideas when the voting opens on June 3.

Smiley Happy

Community Explorer

I have done some research in alternate multiple-choice question (MCQ) formats, NRET, DOMC, and various confidence versions.  I would like the option to assign the points (including negative).

One work-around I found, is to use the matching question type for "one correct answer MCQ format", present the number of distractors on the left. On the right create one match that is "correct" and "incorrect" for the other distractor matches. What is useful is that Canvas only creates 2 options in the drop-down (do not spell incorrect differently or you may see more than 2 options).

Now add two more distractors to each question:

  • All answer options are correct - match with correct
  • All answer options are incorrect - match with incorrect

Tell students that for each question there may be:

  • 1 correct response
  • all correct
  • no correct

That way every distractor in each question will have the drop down option of correct/incorrect.



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

This is a great idea, and one that we can definitely include in a future update to quizzes! This is not something we will be able to actively explore in the next six months; however, the request is not un-heard. As we being to explore significant updates to the quizzes engine as a whole, we will look at this as a feature enhancement.

More to come!


Community Member

It would be good to be able to assign point values for quiz answers. We use a type of assessment called a Script Concordance Test where the individual student responses are scored based on the responses of a panel of experts to the same question.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and is On Canvas Beta Quizzes LTI User Group 


This feature is now available through the new Quizzes LTI tool.  Find more information on the Quizzes LTI tool, and how to access it, at Quizzes LTI User Group 

The specific guide for this feature in the Quizzes LTI tool is How do I create a Multiple Choice question in the Quizzes LTI? 

Community Novice

We need NO PARTIAL credit on multiple/multiple questions; the state licensing exam does not give partial credit so we do not want our nursing students to have this option. This also cause disparity between students who take the test in Canvas and those who take paper/pencil (and do not get partial credit on the Scranton). Can this be an option - select if you want partial credit given or not? I hope this is fixed ASAP!

Community Novice


We are encountering the same problem for our nursing students.  We just switched to Canvas and have found this to be a very troublesome problem.  We are having to go into every student's quiz and take away the partial credit that was given.  Takes hours.  We are hoping this is fixed ASAP also.

Community Team
Community Team

littend  &  @sarmstrong2  

I hope you read my message above.  This is not something that will be worked on in the existing quizzing tool.  This has been implemented in the new Quizzes LTI tool.