[Peer Review] Peer Evaluation for Group Projects

Every semester we need the students to create a peer evaluation for their group projects. We would like for students to be able to rate their group members contribution to the group project. This feature should allow the instructors to set up the peer evaluation for students to either rate themselves or students to only rate their peers. The instructor should be able to choose the type of evaluation students can give their peers like numerical rating, likert scale rating, text comments etc. There should also be an option to include the peer evaluation as a graded assignment.


Another nice option would be to automatically add the peer evaluation to group assignments. This would allow points to be deducted from the group assignment grade automatically. Usually, we had to divide the total points for the group project across two assignments: 1) the project and 2) the peer evaluation. With the option just described the peer evaluation would be included into the group project and there would no longer be a need for two assignments.


We have done the peer evaluation in survey builders like Qualtrics in the past but it is not the best option for several reasons. Student's get confused when they have to leave Canvas to complete assignments on other websites. Their activities don't get tracked in Canvas so they don't know if it will be graded. Qualtrics (at least the survey version we have at our University) is not designed to capture feedback in a round robin format needed for peer evaluations. We have to export the results from Qualtrics, clean the data, do some calculations then input the grades in Canvas. It becomes a really tedious process.

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Community Novice

I only have limited experience with iPeer. I can recommend trying out Peergrade (www.peergrade.io) (disclaimer: which I have been part of developing).

Community Contributor

Thanks for your suggestion. However, my project is institution wide and we would need open source due to privacy legislation.  But for another individual course this is very interesting....(consent forms can be made..) so i may be in touch Smiley Happy

Community Novice

I too would like to see this.  My class assigns many group assignments, which change week to week.  Currently, we have an external qualtrics survey set up where we use regex to validate the student ID of their partner, which isn't perfect but better than nothing.  We ask them to evaluate each partner on several attributes, and also enter in data about themselves such as how difficult they personally found the assignment, and what fraction of the assignment they think they understood.  Qualtrics is nice because it can validate answers: regex to ensure student ID is in class, difficulty ratings are a number between a lower and upper bound, etc.  Then we download and merge.  This is a lot of extra time.

Also, see comments here from a recent question: group member evaluation 

Community Novice

It seems this is one type of (or use-case for) Group Quizzes. There are many needs/uses for Group Quizzes and Group Surveys. Please also up-vote that idea! Smiley Happy You might also consider voting for: Filter UN-graded survey/quiz by Group

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Member

I appreciate reading others' approaches with group projects and incorporating peer evaluation. I do not prefer the approaches that split an assignment into two parts, one for the assignment, and one for the peer evaluation. If someone does nothing on a project, they should not get credit.

Therefore, I use a multiplier approach. Specifically, for the group portion of the grade in the course, students complete a peer evaluation. I use these evaluations to compute a multiplier (default value is 1 if group member essentially performs they way they should in the group; lower for slackers, higher for people doing more within the group) for the group portion of the grade. Then I use these multipliers to compute each individual student's score on the group portion of the course. For example, if the group scores 90 points in the group part of the grade, and an individual student's multiplier is 0.8, that student will get 90*0.8=72 points for the group portion of the grade.

I do this now by downloading the grades, and computing them in a spreadsheet. But it could be much better if integrated into Canvas. Is there any way to do this?

Community Contributor

anyone using buddycheck?

Community Participant

At the University of Adelaide we have developed a LTI tool called SPLAT for Canvas. It is a Self and Peer Learning Assessment Teaching Tool that allows students to assess each other's teamwork by answering questions under the headings: Teamwork and Communication Skills, Career and Leadership Readiness and Self Awareness and Emotional Readiness.

After allocating points to each member of a Group Assignment, the tool calculates a score called a Peer Assessment Factor. This can be moderated and then applied to a group assignment allowing each group member's grade to be increased or decreased by this factor - normally between 0.85 and 1.15. A factor outside of this range represents a group that did not functional well. This formula was developed by the University of Queensland, who use a similar tool with Blackboard.

Applying the tool will automatically created a new column in the grade book with an adjusted mark for each student.

SPLAT info graph

Community Champion

Thanks for sharing this,  @a1224143 .

For those interested, here's a link to a document with more information: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-15399-self-and-peer-learning-assessment-tool-splat 

Community Novice

Hi vrs07nl, did you end up finding anything more about BuddyCheck? A faculty member at my institution was interested in leaning more about it.


Sam Shumway