[Peer Review] Utilize SpeedGrader for Peer Reviews

When we assign students a peer review in canvas, they do not have access to the speedgrader. What they end up with is a slightly clunky assortment of pop-out windows for viewing/annotating and the rubric, necessitating a lot of back and forth side-scrolling and switching between windows. For students who already have trouble navigating an online course, this is an unnecessary barrier to an already nerve-wracking assignment. We have the ability to use speedgrader. Hopefully we can give our students that power too, or at least better design a side-by-side rubric/annotation system for peer review, like in the speedgrader. 

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Problem statement:

Currently annotation of student work in the Docviewer in Speedgrader is not enable for Assignments set for Peer Review. This si problematic because it means that if teachers which to enable peer review for a task, they no longer have the ability to use the annotation tools. Additionally, enabling this feature for students as well, would enable them to give more specific feedback on the work submitted.

Proposed solution:

Enable the annotation of work in the DocViewer in Speedgraderfor both teacher and students for Assignments set to Peer Review.

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Status changed to: Open