[People] Allow +People for Admins after a Course Ends

Our admins routinely add users to past courses. Generally, these are instructors of the next semester of a course or course admins who need to get information for a faculty member. Sometimes it is a student who needs to be added to aa new section to finish an incomplete. In order to add anyone using +People though, the Canvas admins must change the course dates. Please make the +People button available to account/subaccount level admins at all times.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme
Community Explorer
Problem statement:

Myself and other admins often field requests to add Teachers to courses that have been closed according to our account settings, typically to give instructors access to each other's content when they begin teaching a new course. To do so, we have to temporarily change the course's participation settings to make it current again - otherwise, the +People button is greyed out even to us. It would be convenient if this button was never greyed out to admins.

Proposed solution:

Permanently enable the +People button for admins regardless of other settings. This would streamline the process of adding users to closed courses when necessary.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open