[People] Sort Students in People List: Course

@people list is alphabetical by last names, which is not helpful. Please add sorting function by "First Name", "Section", "last Activity" and "Total Activity". All other tabular lists should be sort-able as well.

Add Group to the columns and Sort by group is needed as well. Jan 26, 2018 @kristine Hansen @dale Anne Davidson

Profile Picture Name Login ID SIS ID Section Role Last Activity Total Activity


The sorting function has been available in Proctorio Exam Results for a while.

When will the Canvas development team pay their attention to this as a production priority because an overall sorting function is required for ALL tabular lists in Canvas!!

Community Member

UseCase: Checking Section members Last Accessed Date and time

UserRole: Admin

Problem: Using Sections for SITE ID/Differentiation with no filter or sorting by section options all checks are a manual Visual check with time consuming scrolling and note taking

We get asked by instructors/Faculty admin Has X attended class since date or has All of Course Y logged in at least once at this time of year due to a lot of onboarding issues. 

this would make it so much easier to confirm /check or provide that information or even prevent the questions being asked by Teachers since it would be readily available and a Demonstrable tool we can cover with Onboarding new staff/CPD days

Another fringe benefit would be comparing section/class numbers vs class enrolments at a glance and finding any missing imports

Community Novice

This was suggested back in 2018 and it's still an obvious need to slice and dice the list of People listed.  At the moment there is no sorting or filters at all.  Seems like it would be a simple feature to add, but alas we wait.

Community Member

please add some filter and sort options to people (course), especially add a filter when sections apply

Community Novice

Anytime Canvas presents data to us in a table, whether it be on the People page, the Zoom attendance page, etc., we should be able to sort the data by clicking on the column we wish to sort by.

Community Participant


Community Participant

All tabular data displayed by Canvas should be sortable by any column. Period.

Community Explorer

Adding my voice to this, and ability to filter by role, filter period, we need something.

Community Member

Sorting students' total activity time on the page "People" is very important for teachers to find inactive students so that to provide support. As there is no sort function on this page, teachers need to copy the whole data and paste it onto Excel to sort it, especially for a class of more than 50 students. 

When a student’s activity time is less than an hour, say 55 minutes and 23 seconds, it is displayed as “55:23”. When copying onto an Excel sheet, it displays as “55:23:00" which is 55 hours and 23 minutes! This would mislead teachers to find the correct inactive students. 

We request the developer adjust the script to represent 55minutes and 23 seconds as “00:55:23” rather than “55:23” for "Total Activity" field on the page "People" so that to avoid any further confusion.

Problem of tranferring data to Excel

Alternatively, please add a sort function on “Total Activity” field on page“People” so that teachers needn’t copy the data onto an Excel sheet to sort them to find inactive students.



Community Member

is there a way to sort student list,or students attendence or grade list by student ID 

Community Participant

Can't believe this idea was posted 5 years ago and still we don't see any progress.

I agree with the others who posted in here. In "People" page it's important for teacher and admin to be able to sort and filter out especially when the course has been crosslisted with more than one classes.

Please we need sorting function to sort out names ("fist name" & "surname"), time ("last activity" and "total activity"). Also filter function to differential enrolment methods ("SIS import" or "manually"), sections (mostly useful for crosslisted courses), groups (we don't use groups as students are grouped by sections but I think another institution may use it).

The sorting and filter function is a basic in most other VLE platforms. I am looking forward to see any progress.