[Permissions] Separate Title from Name Settings (Move Title to Bio)

Long ago we learned we had to turn OFF the Admin Setting that allowed Users to Edit their Name. (Students and Teachers would edit their name making it hard to find them, or making them go out of alphabetical order in the People list and Speedgrader, etc). However, turning OFF the "Users can edit their name" Settings also means they cannot edit their Title. That means that if years ago (prior to us changing this setting) they entered a Job Title that now is no longer accurate, as a System Admin I need to turn ON the the "Users can edit their name" Setting, and QUICKLY, then Act As the user, quickly Edit their Title (usually I just remove it), then go back and turn OFF the "Users can edit their name" Setting.
In order for Users to be able to Edit their Title when the "Users can edit their name" Setting is turned OFF, I suggest the following possible solutions (whichever might be easier and quicker to implement): 1) Separate Title from the Name so that "Users can edit their name" does not affect the ability to edit the Title. Or 2) Move the Title as part of Bio, which can be edited even when you cannot Edit your name. (A third option might be to remove the Title field altogether, and people can write their title into their Bio). This will allow Users to update their title as they wish, without having a System Admin have to turn the Settings OFF and ON, and having to masquerade as Users, every time this change needs to be made.