Please Move the "Done" Marker to the Bottom of the Page

Whereas students need to read through an entire page before they can mark it as "Done;" and whereas the "Done" marking is currently posted at the top of that page, but not all pages. I propose that the "Done" marker be moved to the bottom of the pages which need to be marked as "Done." 

Unfortunately, I have missed marking a few of these "Done" buttons because I have failed to scroll back up to the top when I have completed a reading while at the same time there have been instances where I have scrolled back up and there hasn't been a "Done" marker. This has been a minor annoyance. While it is a minor annoyance, it is also a fairly consistent annoyance which in turn makes it more annoying.  In my mind, this could be completely remedied by simply moving the button down to the bottom of the page.  If it *is* that simple, I ask that you please consider this change. Thank you.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please refer to the comment from our product team here.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @jsailor - a quick clarifying question, please....

So if a Page is set up for a Mark as Done Requirement in a Module, the Mark as Done Button will appear at the bottom of the Page if Assignment Enhancements Feature Option is turned On for the course?



Hi, @Hildi_Pardo,

That is for assignments that are set to be marked as done. However, great news! We've just completed the work to move the Mark as Done button to the bottom for a page set with this requirement in a module. It will now flow through our typical processes and will be in an upcoming deploy, so please watch the deploy notes for the update.  

Community Coach
Community Coach

That is very exciting news!  Thank you Canvas!!!

Community Explorer

Thank you!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Comments from Instructure


The Mark as Done button for students has been moved to the bottom of the page. This change aligns consistency through other Canvas areas and places the button in a more intuitive location. With this, the second aspect of this idea has been completed. 

The functionality is currently available in beta instances. For more information, please read through the  Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-07-07).

Community Member


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