Question Bank Repository

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Question Banks. If you create a bank of questions in a sandbox course and bookmark those banks, then you can use them in any course. But you cannot then copy those quizzes to any other course because the links to question banks are lost.  In order to use question banks in various courses, you have to copy the question banks from course to course along with the quizzes.  If you later want to update questions, you will have to update them in EVERY course that uses that bank.  This defeats the whole purpose of having BANKS.


There should be a central repository for banks.  OR when quizzes are copies among courses, the links to banks should be carefully checked to maintain links to the correct banks.


Comments from Instructure

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Novice

question banks at the account level will not store images either, which means every class used an image has to be populated, in turn defeating the purpose of the "bank".

Community Participant

It seems important to include coding which avoids duplicate questions (those with same identifiers) ending up in the same quiz or same quesrion bank? Currently there is no warning message which indicates this ('are you sure you want to add this question'... 'this question already exists').

Community Champion

This week I had to recreate a Canvas course in Moodle and I am amazed how easy it is to organize questions in banks.  There is a hierarchy of categories and questions can be placed anywhere within the hierarchy.  To search, you can search for any level of the tree and find questions rather quickly. 

In other words, I can have a category called "animals" and within that category, I can create subcategories labelled "African Animals", "Pets", Asian Animals", etc.   When I search for questions I can look for a subcategory, or search for the upper-level category ("animals") and still see all of the questions further down the tree.

  • Questions can also be categorized by course, contact tag, or even in a master bank.
  • You can view all of your questions in one list or narrow down the list easily by category.
  • Moving questions among categories is as easy as selecting all the desired questions in the list, selecting the new category and hitting the "move" button.
  • Copying questions is also a breeze–Just hit the "copy" icon and the new copy will open with options for where you would like to store the new question and a full editing page.


Side-note:  I love the multiple types of questions available in Moodle--especially drag and drop.

I think this would be a great place to get some ideas for a question bank repository in Canvas. . .

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

This idea was completed with general availability of Quizzes.Next.  You can find more information about the overall project in the Quizzes.Next User Group.‌

  • Quizzes.Next is now available for all paid accounts.
  • Quizzes.Next documentation will live in the Quizzes.Next User Group until July 14, 2018. On July 14, 2018, all of the documentation will be moved to the Canvas Guides in the Canvas Instructor Guide or Canvas Student Guide
  • Quizzes.Next updates will be included in the Canvas Release Notes. This includes new features, updated features, and relevant fixed bugs. New and updated features will be deployed to Quizzes.Next near the same time as the Canvas release. Fixed bugs may be deployed at any time.
Community Participant

I can't see how Quizzes.Next answers this question. The item banks are user-specific. I can't view or edit questions my co-teacher has entered and banked. I can't see or edit her banks.

It would be great to have a way to store banks at the account or subaccount level. Or if that's impossible, have some way to export them so that we can easily share them.

Community Team
Community Team

I just reread the original idea posted and I do not see mention of sharing with other instructors, which is why this idea is marked as complete.  There is an open idea at" modifiedtitle="true" ..., which explores a Commons solution.  

If you would like to be able to share question banks with other instructors please feel free to submit that as a new idea.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed