Remove colour overlay from course cards that have an image

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas



Howdy all,

Firstly I have to say the new course cards image feature is awesome and a great leap forward. I have been using it a bit now and have a small request for a future revision.


When a course is given an image for the course card on a user's dashboard, I would really like to see the colour overlay removed (so that the image does not looked washed out with the user selected colour).


Ideally, I would love to see this configurable on an account level rather than an individual course level, but that is just from an administrator's perspective.


Just to visualise this more, the current behaviour with a couple of different colours:




And the ideal/requested behaviour:



Additional thoughts:

I do realise the colour is important for a few different areas in relation to the course, so perhaps the bottom bar could be extended as a border around the entire card (just as one example).


Many thanks  team,

Keep up the awesome work!


Comments from Instructure

For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-05-13) 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Woooo Whoooo!!! Great news thanks  @Renee_Carney !

Community Champion

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'

Community Contributor

I voted for this idea at the time too, but I wonder, will courses still be color-coded for calendaring purposes? That way, on the Dashboard, the tiles can have clearly displayed images, but can still be color-coded for assignments/due dates on their Calendars?

Community Novice

 @Renee_Carney ‌ that is outstanding thank you so much! #doesAHappyDance 

Community Novice

Image/video of happy dance available?

Community Champion

But of course! 🙂

happy dance

Community Novice

AHMAZING news we are 90% of the way there team, absolutely love the dashboard look when you now de-select the colour overlay option (now available in Beta  .

I do have to ask PROOTY PROOOOTY PLEASEEE can we have a system wide option of the default, as for our institution, the default presented to users should be with 'colour overlay' deselected. (My 2c on the current Beta Feature).

Look forward to other's thoughts. I would be happy for no overlay to be a Canvas wide default (with the option to add it back), but that is just me, I would be equally happy to have a 'feature flag' for 'Colour overlay off by default'.

*high fives the team*.


Community Champion

Thanks for the update!!! I pinged our admin  @kevin1 ‌ with a comment on the release notes and I am pinging him here also. I am really glad that I will get to have course cards that look like the images I choose: whoo-hoo!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

Community Novice

No worries at all Laura! Look forward to  @kevin1 ‌'s thoughts on the 'defaultness' of the updated feature.

I guess I am a little disheartened that, to achieve the desired behaviour, every one of our students will manually have to untick the option of the colour overlay (rather than it being an option to turn it on, if they desire).


Community Champion

I don't understand the logic of that myself... but I'll probably turn it into some kind of "vote on the course card" activity in class or something like that, while also sharing some other Canvas tips.

If they are going to leave things up to the students, I think they should let the students pick their own course cards too! Just IMO. 🙂