[Reports] Outcomes simple alignment

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Problem statement:

I see the report for outcomes that have a scores, but what if an outcome has been align with something, but no score?

Proposed solution:

Develop a report that shows which outcomes have been aligned to whatever content items in whatever class shells.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @vancej - 

How would having the alignment summary be beneficial to your work? What would you like to accomplish that you currently cannot do with the current report? This additional piece of information will be helpful to the Product Team as they look to connect this idea to a theme.

Community Team
Community Team

From @vancej --

There is an alignment  option at the course shell level. I suggesting to develop the same option at the admin level because  program assessment at times does not need the scores that a instructor entered for the sake of  alignment. Program Assessment may actually need the artifact.

Second, if a sub-account admin, like me, is testing an outcome for the first time and come back later to delete, but forgotten which course shell has the outcome, then the root admin has to query the system to find which shell has the outcome. Right now, the system only reports the alignment if there is score submitted. 😞


Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thank you for the additional information, @vancej. After further review by our product team, we're adding your idea to the focused on broadening support for competency-based education models.  

Community Participant



Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2023-08-19)