[Rich Content Editor] Allow streamlined download menu with inline preview

Problem statement:

With the new design to disable file previews and force a download (Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-08-17) - Instructure Community), it seems that the download icon has also been removed. We allow inline previews of linked files, but there is no download option like there is with an overlay. With the removal of the download icon, our students are constantly hitting us up about how to download their files now. Additionally, with inline previews, there is no download option; but there is with an overlay option. However, we don't want the overlay option as we prefer inline preview.

Proposed solution:

I propose adding a slim version of the download/info/close option to the inline preview which appears when the file is previewed as an overlay.

User role(s):


Community Champion

The idea submission wouldn't allow images so here are screenshots of what I'm talking about so that it is easy to see. The first is the download menu as it appears in an overlay preview.

Overlay screenshot.png

Here is the inline preview where a slimmed down version of download/info could be added.

Inline screenshot.png

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Status changed to: Open
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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme