[Rubrics] Comments Library - access in Rubric comments

I like the the new  Comments Library feature.  I would like to see it expanded so that the library would also be accessible in the Comments within a rubric.  I use rubrics for grading just about everything and I make comments within the specific rubric criteria rather than using the general Comments, since it makes it more relevant.

See https://www.screencast.com/t/TydcEwMn8ll


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open


Thanks for sharing this idea. As it contains two separate requests, one of which is still active (refer to the note in the idea description), we've edited the idea so that it is solely focused on the ability to use the comments library in a rubric's criteria comment fields.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@edwardn1  Those who are interested in this idea might also want to add their comments and rating to  Share Speedgrader Comment Library Across Graders.

Community Coach
Community Coach

For teachers who use Rubrics, this makes a lot of sense.   I agree with this idea.

Community Member

Yes, this would be a very helpful update. I support getting this on Canvas decision-makers' radar!


Community Member

The majority of Instructors in our institution use rubrics. They were excited about the Comment Library, but disappointed to see it couldn't be used for criterion comments. We would certainly appreciate the functionality being available for individual criterion comments when marking using rubrics.

Thanks 🙂

Community Member

Please do add the comment library to the rubrics as well.  We are using rubrics for many of our assignments and this would be a time saver.

Community Novice

Yes please!

Community Explorer

First of all, I love the comment library for the main submission comments in Speedgrader, thank you!

Secondly, I would love to have access to that same comment library in my rubric comments and the comments I leave on a document itself. Can you expand our access to those comments as teachers?

Community Member

This would be tremendously helpful for those of us who use standards-based grading and give feedback primarily through rubrics! Thank you!

Community Member

having the comment library feed into rubrics as well would be a game-changer for my capacity!