[Rubrics] Export aggregate rubric scores to identify strengths and weaknesses of class as a whole

I'd like Canvas to be able to generate a single table that shows the rubric line item scores for all students.  Then I would easily be able to tell which items students struggled most with, and plan subsequent lessons accordingly.

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Community Contributor

In pedagogical practice, I also recommend voting up similar and related ideas:Text Conversion to QTI for Bulk Question Import and Create a Secondary Rubric Structure to Conform with Conventions. I also echo the sentiments of Kelsey Rodgers.

Community Novice

I would strongly encourage Canvas to add this feature. It would provide valuable analytics to understand student performance in particular aspects of rubrics. I am working on a portfolio project to summarize student learning for a particular aspect of my course and this feature would be hugely helpful. I am disappointed that it is not something already available in Canvas given the other strong performance analytics available.

Community Novice

This seems to me an essential need for any teacher working to see growth in their student performance and mastery of concepts. It would allow instructors to see where their students are struggling and need more help and where they are excelling so that they can move on. In terms of assessment, this can also be crucial for instructors to demonstrate their success in teaching.

Community Coach
Community Coach

For rubrics, our wish list is to be able to report on the following:

  1. Does an assignment have a rubric associated with it?
  2. Was the rubric completed by the instructor for a submission?
  3. How many submissions have a completed rubric (a calculated field derived from the number of graded submissions)
  4. Aggregation of rubric scoring - how many students and percentage of students scored at each performance level for each criterion?  **  (Basically this idea above)
  5. Listing of rubric comments for each criterion

In addition to the above mentioned aggregate view within a course for the instructor, we would like to use Canvas Data to extract this data so it can be aggregated across courses/ instructors/ terms.

Community Champion

 @Jeff_F , thanks for responding to this. I was looking for a thread about what people wanted in a rubric export and had lost it (and courses started so I had to get busy on those) and this brought it back to my inbox so I could find it.

For your question 2, is the emphasis on "completed" or "instructor"? Are you wanting to identify peer reviews with that item?

Background: I wrote a Tampermonkey userscript a couple of weeks ago that adds an export button to the rubrics.


I was working in the dark as to how people would really want to use it. Right now, it exports everything in a database-type layout (one row for each student / criterion combination) and also as a summary like a pivot table (one row per student and one column per criterion). I also wanted to write the code to export the rubric itself so that it could be brought back into Canvas with the rubric importer I wrote, but I need to finish that and change the rubric importer to support the long descriptions. Anyway, I found a JavaScript library that would create an Excel file, so it puts each of those on its own sheet within the workbook. As I was writing, I was trying to keep in mind the ability to automate using Node JS, but I was under time constraints and something had to give way so I could get it done.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello James - for #2 the importance is on completed.  I am good with assuming the instructor is the person performing the grading.   We do not currently have interest in the peer review feature.

The ability to download the results to file would be much more efficient than the current practice of looking at each submission rubric individually..  Ultimately we'd like to see rubric results within Canvas Data as there are hundreds of courses each term (often times +700) and we have 12 terms per year.  

Community Novice

This is fantastic. I think the key use is exactly what you describe: each student is a row, each item in the rubric is a column (plus columns for any text comments).  Will this feature be available soon?

Thank you!

Community Champion

Soon is a relative term. I've had most of it done since early August but have not worked on it since then. Finding time and motivation to finish it is the challenge.

Community Novice

It must be hard to prioritize all the requests you're getting, I totally get it. I do know that there are many educators out there (myself included) who would be very grateful for your time because they would use this tool right away. I know I would!

Community Participant

This would be such a valuable feature for me. As I am not the one doing the grading and I have large classes, I cannot easily tell where students are having issues and address those in class. To be able to download the rubric data from all students would be very helpful for assessment and closing the loop on places students are having issues.